The majority of protagonists in leading epic fantasy and science fiction novels are usually part of an elite group - they are inherently special. In the context of Star Wars, this is primarily the Jedi and Sith (Force-users), but also extends to the more elite characters, such as Boba Fett or Thrawn, for example. The point is, most of the individuals in these stories are very powerful individuals and belong to the upper echelons of the fictional society - the "magical 1%". Those of you who listen to Brandon Sanderson's Writing Excuses podcast will be familiar with this term (featured in Season 10, Episode 6 - go listen if you haven't already).
Whilst this writing mechanism is fine when the point of the novel is to generate awe and wonder, we much consider everyone else who makes up the society in which these individuals act. What about the bartender who watched as the guy who offered Obi-Wan got mind-tricked into re-evaluating his life? What ever happened to the guy who didn't like Luke in the cantina once he woke up one arm lighter? These are everyman characters. They are just as interesting. They have their own stories, their own interests. What the reader may see as wonderful, these everyman characters may see as unnatural, something to be feared. On one hand you may have a character who sets out on magical romp through a fantastical world of wonder; on the other, you may see a fearsome individual manipulating unknown, unnatural magical powers. The reader's opinion is determined by the character they experience the world through. It is all a matter of perspective.
We would therefore like you to write a piece of fiction relating to your clan, house, sub-unit - even the wider Dark Jedi Brotherhood if you're feeling adventurous - from the perspective of one of these everyman characters. It could be a grunt infantryman, a cleaner, even a porter. Whoever they are, write a story from their perspective, viewing the covert machinations of the Sith, Grey Jedi and Mercenaries who comprise the "magical 1%" of your chosen unit.
In addition to the above, it may be worth including reference to the most recent fictional update: Chapter 1: A New Order. Whether that is a token nod or the basis of the story is up to you.
Minimum word limit is 750 words with no maximum. Entries will be judged in line with the Voice Fiction Rubric.
1st place
Darth Renatus
2nd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place
Braecen Kaeth
4th place
Maenaki Delavi'in
5th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
6th place
Larrik Dul'vak
7th place
Qor Kith
8th place
Mauro Wynter
9th place
Specialist Quo-Wing-Tzun