Supply lines have been targeted and shortages of food and liquor are on the rise. Most of the planet - including the members of Arcona - are on strict rations, dreaming of alcohol, bantha steaks and real cooking. A planet-wide curfew is in effect, with all entertainment centers shut down, and industrial complexes are secured by military or militia. Hunger, lack of power and sheer boredom assault you on all sides. Depict your character’s mealtime imaginations or some other, similar scene driven by their reaction to the privation and boredom.
Any graphic medium is allowed. Stock and otherwise non-original images can be utilized as long as they are cited in the submission and the use is transformative.
1st place
Larrik Dul'vak
2nd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
3rd place
Maenaki Delavi'in
4th place
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
5th place