The LIGO installation on Dajorra has detected anomalous gravitational wave readings that can’t be explained by the movements of any known stellar bodies or ships. While their source is unknown, there is a pattern to the waves that suggests they aren’t natural. Further examination by the Dajorra Intelligence Agency suggests that whomever is behind the attack on Dajorra’s infrastructure is using a gravity generator - likely a smaller version of those found on an interdictor cruiser - to communicate. Your task is to try and decipher the code being used and translate the message in question. The intelligence contained therein could be crucial to tracking down and stopping the group responsible for these acts of sabotage.
Unlike with most puzzle competitions, teams are allowed - and even encouraged. Up to three members may work together in order to crack the encryption and decipher the message embedded in the gravity waves. When submitting your solution, make sure to list the names of the team members, if any, who were in your group. If multiple correct solutions are received, the earliest will be ranked the highest.