Consul Keirdagh Cantor has retired, and his former Proconsul is now occupying the office. Thing is? Consul Howlader has been known to enjoy a day or two of fun in the sun on the white sand beaches of Karufr. And beach season, like winter, is coming.
Unfortunately for Howlader, however, his beach gear was lost in the move between the Proconsular and the Consular offices in Taldryan's Great Hall, and there simply is not enough time to search through boxes and closets to find the clothes. Therefore, Howie needs something new.
This is the first in a series of competitions designed to introduce Consul Howlader to the Clan - and to let the Clan tear Consul Howlader a new one.
Your task is to design beach wear for Consul Howlader (credit goes to Mav for the idea). In general? The more amusing and the more mocking? The better.
1st place
Kaz Raith
2nd place
Aiden Dru
3rd place
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
4th place
Lord Halcyon
5th place
Albrecht Aschenrabe