Competition: Deserted



Stuck on a barren world, surrounded by dying bush, trees and strange animals, you have no clue where you could be. The sunlight has faded into the horizon and night-time grows colder each minute. There are the echoing howls of predators in the distance. Your only goal; to survive.

In 250 words or more, write a story about your character in this scene described above. Do they come across more people stuck in this situation? Is there an oasis on the horizon? Or are they doomed to dehydrate and succumb to the monsters of the night?


The judging method will be based on the Fiction Rubric

  • Ask permission before using other member's characters

  • Submit a downloadable file (doc, pdf, txt etc)

  • Do not bully other member's characters

  • Clusters of Ice will be awarded for wordcounts of 500+

  • Have fun!

Competition Information
Organized by
Qor Kith
Running time
2016-04-30 until 2016-05-28 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
4 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Mystic Kor Vaal
File submission
1st place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission


Delak awoke head down in the mud. He had been on a scouting mission with Shadow Guard when his ship had been shot down. He didn’t know how he had become ejected so far from the ship but it was in a fiery hulk behind him. He had his lightsaber but no rations. The trees and plants in this area were dying and brown. Something had happened to the vegetation in this area of the planet and that was part of what Shadow Guard had been dispatched for. It was to ascertain the cause of this death. Delak sat up and looked around as he heard howling creatures in the distance. He wasn’t sure how far away they were but he knew that he needed to keep his head about him because the sun was going down quickly in the sky. The oranges and purples of the setting sun were a bit relaxing until he realized how alone he was out here. He turned his attention to his surroundings and started to focus on the Force.

As Delak sat in meditation he could sense creatures moving upon him staying just out of eye sight but not out of sight of the Force. They seemed like mutated monsters. To him they moved as Tusk Cats moved but he couldn’t be sure unless he had the misfortune to come in contact with them. He sensed something in the background. It seemed like a cavern in the mountains somewhere. The cave seemed corrupted, like it was flowing with the Dark Side of the Force. Everything dying in the area proved that it could be some sort of Force corruption happening to the environment. Delak stood up and took off in the direction of the cave. He ignited his lightsaber for light as the sun continued to drop in the sky. The stars began to ignite like candles being lit in the night.
The cavern was very dark except for the faint green glow in the back of the cave. As Delak entered the cave he felt as if his life essence was being drained. He continued to enhance himself with the Force and moved further into the cavern. As he approached the back of the cave the entire room lit up with green glow from a crystal. The crystal seemed to be causing all of the issues in the area and the Force was very strong with it. As he approached his skin began to burn and he could smell burnt flesh. He looked down to see his skin singeing off. He decided against taking the crystal for himself and he instead flung his lightsaber at the crystal hitting and destroying it. The Force disappeared from the area and normalcy returned almost immediately. Delak decided to head back to his crash site to wait for Shadow Guards return. He would report his findings to the Emperor as soon as he returned to Judecca after he had also debriefed Lexiconus and Blade about the situation.

2nd place