Competition: RM's Relaxation Run - June

RM's Relaxation Run - June

This parent competition will be used to tie together a series of competitions through the month of June.

Several competitions on different platforms are offered.

Go grab what you like! Have fun! And Relax!

Competition Information
Organized by
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Running time
2016-06-10 until 2016-07-03 (24 days)
Target Unit
Clan Tarentum
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.
RM's Relaxation Run - June has 4 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
Curve Ball Finished 2016-06-10 - 2016-06-20 (11 days) Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Encrypted Wisdom Finished 2016-06-10 - 2016-06-20 (11 days) Other
Start of Summer Finished 2016-06-10 - 2016-07-03 (24 days) Fiction
Alone in the park Finished 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-30 (11 days) Flash Gaming/Puzzles

Nobody has participated in this competition.