Competition: [Summer Selen-bration] Reflection

[Summer Selen-bration] Reflection

Oftentimes, we use the summer to reflect on the events of the past year, the organizations we join and its impact on us, and so forth. The question I pose to you, my fellow Clanmates is this:

What does Star Wars or Clan Arcona mean to you, OOC? Is Star Wars a pivotal moment for you in your childhood, or something you barely care about? And Arcona: For some of us, it’s a place where we can hang out with like-minded friends and unwind from the world. For others, it is quite literally - family. What does Arcona mean to you?

There will be a hard limit of 750 words maximum, with entries crossing that limit being disqualified. This means you, Atty.

Entries will be accepted in pdf format, gdoc links, or using the site's text submission entry.

Grading will be based on description, adherence to the topic, and conciseness

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Arcona] Summer Sun Selen-bration
Organized by
Riverche, Larrik Dul'vak
Running time
2016-06-20 until 2016-07-05 (16 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
19 subscribers, of which 18 have participated.
1st place
Adem Bol'era
Adem Bol'era
Textual submission

I consider one of my strengths as a person to be that I am a reasonably talented writer, and because of that I have an appreciation for stories. This appreciation has been tweaked and homes by art education and personal taste, but there is a certain kind of story that seems to be enduring throughout our history.

Star Wars follows the straightforward struggle of good vs evil, in coming of age stories that are older than dirt and close to our hearts because they give us a window into a world that has things we seem to have lost in our own, heroic stories in particular. For me, it's a great baseline, and it gives me plenty of room to explore avenues with more depth because of a very straightforward foundation.

On Arcona, it was a strange series of coincidences and a lengthy period of personal growth before I understood that I had made a very valuable discovery. I have resources of friends in abundance, their opinions and experiences inestimable in value for someone as young as I am. Adem is my opportunity to write a character that's more than an avatar, an idealized version of myself, but a character that I can believe. I'm exceedingly grateful for that opportunity, and the people who help me to realize that concept, even if I take my time doing it.

1st place
2nd place
Textual submission

I have always loved reading the Star Wars books, and reading through that vast universe has set my imagination afire like no other fantasy setting has ever done. I love the duality of it's theme's - advanced science fiction, incorporating highly complex technologies and worlds. And yet at the same time, there's also an incredibly subtle flavor of high fantasy incorporated into the setting - with the Force and it's eternal battle of the Light and the Dark.

Being a Force User has always been the epitome of cool for me, and as a person who has RPed for years on various settings (from D&D, to White Wolfs amazing series of games, to Forum based RPing on other websites and finally here) the Star Wars universe has always had a special place in my heart. I imagined in my head what I'd do as a Jedi, I envisioned incredibly complex rituals as a Sorcerer and warlock of the Sith, I drooled over the incredibly diverse and deadly weapons of the Mandalorians (and Boba Fet as their epitome).

And so here I am.

2nd place
Fist Uji Tameike
Fist Uji Tameike opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Vivibelle Baenre
Textual submission

As a start, I had always thought the end of the year was the time we reflected on events the past year! Summer is for food and alcohol and working too much because it's summer. And if you're me, it's sweltering in the bakery because it's about 5 degrees hotter (and that's in Celsius) than the store's floor. And boy can you feel it.

But when it comes to Star Wars, it had slowly become something important to me. Before I joined the DJB, Star Wars didn't really mean anything to me at all. It was just a set of movies. It had no place in my life and I gave it absolutely no thought. I would have never gotten into this kind of thing by myself. Even as I was invited to this place, it was still as a curiosity thing. That and I wanted to help Mirus out. Him and I weren't particularly good friends at the time yet-- just having started to really get to know each other at the time. I joined to help him and the clan he was in at the time. I wasn't good at being social or anything, so it was kind of awkward for me. I wasn't really sure what happened at that point to be honest, but all I remember is him and I mostly talking about master/student things. And damn did we play a lot of Pazaak over Skype. It was a lot of fun... for such a boring game in its core. He was always pushing me to make the time goals for promotions and always was willing to help me out. Even as I hit knight, we still did everything in the DJB together. He was always still proud of me and we were always growing closer. We were always in the same clan together (or almost), we were in Herald together, and our characters were always created together. Even now as I struggle with Emily and deciding to change once more due to the struggle, he's right there beside me wanting to not let me do this alone and wanting me to make sure I enjoy myself here.

So I guess when it comes to Star Wars and the DJB as a whole, it was a core thing that brought Mirus and I closer. Most people who know both of us and watch us interact know we're practically joined at the hip. There was many other things that brought us together, but when we slowly lost interest in things and moved on to others, the DJB and Star Wars was always there. And even now as we end up having to slightly separate and start living our lives a bit less involved with each other in the way I had wanted it, Star Wars will always be there to bring us back together. It'll always be that thing that our friendship can rely on.

And boy am I thankful for it.

4th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

First of all, screw you. :P

Second of all: what does Star Wars mean to me? Relatively little. Absurd for a member of a Star Wars club, I know, let alone a leader in it, but true nonetheless. My dad took my brother and I to see the prequels as they came out in theaters, so I know them better than I know the "originals" but I've still forgotten much of them. I never saw Episode 6, and still haven't. Mostly, I know the original storyline from the Family Guy parody of A New Hope. I think Star Trek/other sci-fi shows are better and I think fantasy like Lord of the Rings and World of Warcraft are FAR better than that. :P

Nonetheless, this club gave me something. I came here recruited by Lucy/Nath from Skyrim fanfiction archives, and despite my disinterest, met people who spurred me to make a character and write. And write. And write. I’d never had people, friends, really encourage my writing before despite my love of it, and yet here these online crazies were, praising me. So I kept doing it. And I got better. I found my voice. Later, in the last year, I found another too, encouraged into the art community, building it up and then sharing with it in turn. In many ways I credit the DB for several of the very things that make me happy and heard, because my voice existed in the ink of a pen and it was only here that anyone said “LOUDER,” so to speak.

And Arcona? Arcona speaks for itself. You say it is quite literally family to some, and this rings incredibly true for me. I've met my best friends here. I met the man I love here. There are people in this clan - and some not in it - who I will call up before I would any of the old high school friends or any of my family. I've met several in person and would love to again. These are the folks I laugh with, I create with, I thrive with. And it doesn't come without its dramas. There have been moments in this club when I've genuinely felt a crisis of self, when I've cried, fought, yelled, and curled up on the floor in defeat. But all those hard times are completely worth it every time I see someone here genuinely happy, every time the brothers and sisters I've chosen to make here throw up a GIF or a joke that only we'd understand, everytime a new clanmate sticks around and grows into the fold. Arcona is a bunch of assholes. And they're also the home I've come to find in the last three years that I can't imagine life without anymore. I might one day, as life comes, move on from the daily rigors of the DB — but I’ll never be removed from that sentiment.

I’ve literally written entire essays on this place, analyzing it in various ways, but for me? That’s that. It means a lot. And as something of an open letter to y’all judges and anyone else reading this, I say: thank you.

(And Arcona Invicta).

P.S. 537 words, suck a lightsaber

5th place
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Ernordeth Puer-Irae opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Textual submission

Out of character Star Wars doesn't mean a whole lot to me. This will come as no surprise to those who know me. I like the franchise but I never really got into it like most of the people here.

Arcona however is an entirely different story, I quite literally grew up in this place. I was 14 when I joined and the DB and my co-Arconans have greatly affected my life. From my English skills to mediation and management through leadership experience. Everything that I have learned here in the past 11 years has in some way or another had an effect on my life outside of the Club.

For this I am truly thankful, to each and every one of you. Family is a big word, and I don't know a lot of you guys well enough to be able to truly mean that. Friends however, I have plenty in this Clan. It is amazing how strangers from the internet quickly grow to become more than simply acquaintances and it is brilliant how the Arcona and its members have created a place that radiates a feeling of belonging.

No placement
Larrik Dul'vak
Textual submission

I like Star Wars. It's a fun universe with tons of exciting adventures already out there, and the greater potential that allows us the creative freedom to come up with our own adventures, tragedies, and dramas in the SW universe.

But Clan Arcona... Arcona is family. I've been with current and past members of Arcona in some shape and form for the past 16 years, and no matter what happened, both in the Dark Brotherhood or in Real Life, Arcona has always been there for me, to offer support when everything else seems like ashes. It is that friendship- that love- that I cherish above all others.

Ohana means family.

No placement
General Stres'tron'garmis
General Stres'tron'garmis opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Braecen Kaeth
Textual submission

**Star Wars** was a pivotal moment in my life. I had been introduced to the original trilogy at an early age by my Dad, but it had only *stuck* as a fascinating movie. To me, at that point, it had not become a staple of my life. It was not until a fateful day with my Mom at Barnes & Nobles that I made a decision to become a *true* fan of Star Wars. While my Mom searched through the countless books finding ones that engaged her... I was stuck. I did not have a passion for reading as a Freshman in highschool, but I did have an empty spot in my life. A place where my creativity and imagination had been, but was beginning to wan in the absence of proper stimulation.

The novel I chose was **Rogue Squadron** by Michael Stackpole. I was introduced to the Expanded Universe in compelling tale. Wedge Antilles lead a new, young group of members to re-establish the most daring fighter pilot unit in the galaxy. I was also introduced to characters that would become a staple in my life - and the Star Wars galaxy - in Corran Horn, Mirax Terrak, and Gavin Darklighter. While I struggled in a new highschool making new friends, I was able to lean on my Star Wars friends from those books. It gave me confidence, belonging, and a place to retreat until I found strength on my own.

I will always credit Star Wars for my eventual love of reading, my journey into writing, and the gaming that became so prevalent in my life with my friends; eventually bringing me to Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) where I would invent the name Braecen. A game that not only sparked my online persona, but lead me to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

No placement
Shawnathan Do'Urden
Textual submission

When I was younger, my dad was obsessed with Star Wars. But he and my mom got a divorce when I was 5 years old. So, I was around Star Wars long enough to know what it was, but not long enough to understand it. Then growing up, it wasn’t something I pursued on my own because I was taking care of my little brother with Down syndrome and/or more obsessed with the Chicago Bulls and becoming the next pro basketball player.
Needless to say, Star Wars didn’t impact my life that much. I didn’t get in touch with my geeky side until high school after discovering Harry Potter. Then I re-watched Star Wars, and other pop culture classics to build more geek credibility, and I appreciated what the icons meant for the movie industry, but I wasn’t a hardcore fan – not like I was for Harry Potter at least.
One big takeaway from Star Wars was the approach to situations. Nearing my 30’s now, it’s easy for me to compare my objectiveness, and strategic way of placing my emotions into certain situation to what it takes to become a Jedi according to the lore.
Overall, I enjoy the story, and I like thinking about the world, but unlike my mentor Brae – I can’t watch the movies every single night before I go to sleep.

Clan Arcona is a little bit different. I enjoy participating in it because it’s a social outlet for me. Working from home now, I don’t get a lot of interaction outside the house unless it’s playing Magic. Even then, my ties aren’t that close since I have a tendency to move around a lot. Still, I’m fairly needy when it comes to human interaction. I don’t need validation, but I do need the synergy of talking with like-minded individuals which as scary as it may sound – the DB provides.

It’s interesting to speculate on where it will go from here, and it’s amazing to see what online tools like Telegram do for socializing – it’s much easier for me to access it than it is something like mIRC.

No placement
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Textual submission

Atty has said it a million times, usually in regards to Turel, but it's true:

ohana means family.

No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Textual submission

Star Wars is part of my life. To say otherwise would greatly undersell it. When I was little, there was nothing more I wanted than to be a Jedi. I wanted to be able to move things with my mind. But most importantly, I wanted to be able to wield a goddamn laser sword (lightsaber). To me, the lightsaber is one of the coolest weapons ever created. Having mock-saber fights with toys is the highlight of my childhood.

Anyway, I joined a club called the BHG when I was 15. I didn't really get Star Wars expanded universe. I'd seen the movies...and that was about it. I started to hang out on IRC with a bunch of other nerds, but they weren't just Star Wars nerds. They liked movies and other nerdy things I liked too! I won't lie and say it wasn't all rainbows.

I got bullied a lot because of my poor typing skills and spelling. My dyslexia was pretty blunt, there was not a lot of spell check, and I got made fun of. A lot. I didn't really get a lot of things as I was still really young.

However, I made friends that eventually, years later, lead me to the DB and Arcona.

Arcona is my family. For better or worse, the people I have met here are very important to me. While we argue and bicker, I wouldn't trade any of them for the world. We're a giant, deformed, and angry family. But when united, the things I've seen? It's inspiring.

I've made friends for life here. I've seen friends fall in love with one another. Relationships that never would have happened--trading of art, stories, knowledge.

In short, my dead-end job would be a lot more depressing without my Star Wars-Online-Club friends. Thanks.

Arcona Invicta.

No placement
Arryn Caverns
Arryn Caverns opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Textual submission

Oh goodness. There are so much things I could talk about. I’m going to focus more on Arcona and the DJB than Star Wars itself. Why? As much as I loved and enjoyed star wars as a kid, I, as a geek/nerd, am horrible at remembering details. I was also more of a fantasy gal, dragons, magic, unicorns, and such. Oh the force was there, “Luke, I am your father” ‘s and Force chokes were jokingly thrown around (What is wrong with you children? That kills people!).

But let’s talk about the REAL important topic!

ARCONA!!! I. Absolutely. Love. You. The clan is a warm, welcoming, encouraging community, one in which I was immediately taken by. I needed that, thank you. I was hesitant in joining, having not wanting to join any forum style roleplaying sites, but once I was shown all the wonderful places we could go, I knew I wanted to stick around. I hungered to try everything within the DJB and nothing could quench that drive. For some reason, some of you were lacking sanity enough to even encourage my devouring of our Arconan world and more, they even still do.

These folks have helped me grow in skill, heart, soul, confidence, and various other sappy things that make you squeal in your seat at the adorableness. Arcona to me is for sure a community, a place to escape too, but it is so much more. The clan has grown ties with me that are akin to that of a family or a closely bonded group of friends. I wouldn’t ever wish not meeting you lot, I trust you enough to even share my deepest insides, forcing you to take a seat and mutter *mhm* when cued.

The awestricking welcome and inclusion by Arconan members have had me seriously becoming an advocate for new members, greeting them, providing a buddy, and to encourage them to stay and remain,active on the DJB.

I’m falling asleep right at this moment. But I could do go to the extremes and describe my Aroncona love story forever. Again, I love you lot. Stay awesome and ARCONA!!!

No placement
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Textual submission

Star Wars is a story that brings my family together. I grew up knowing it as a family event. Sitting down and watching the movies together, even at marathon lengths, was something we would gather in a single location to do. It is nostalgia. Fond memories of a time long past. I do get to share thoughts now, but am no longer able to group up due to real life constraints. I was able to find another family here, and we are able to share these moments as well! This is what Star Wars means to me.

No placement
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Textual submission

Arcona is a group of like-minded individuals; it is a place where I can go to chat about stuff being it Star wars, daily events or the rubbish stuff happening in my life. I have learned a great deal during my time in Arcona from how o sorta proof my work to having confidence to do things I never tried before. Ever since joining the DB I found myself drawn to Arcona, and since my return in February I know why I was dawn to this fantastic and very supportive group of people.

Arcona is a home away from home, a place to unwind. It is a place where people come and chat despite the vast distances between us. Arcona is also a family; we look after our own and make sure we are ok.

Star Wars as the wider topic has attracted me since I was a young boy, I loved the empire and the storm troopers, and always wanted to be one, I have found myself now in a place where I can live in the Star Wars Universe both Fictionally with The Brotherhood and in costuming/character terms, I am a proud member of the Hand of Korriban Darkside costuming group, with whom myself, Darth Rins'zler, is the membership officer, it is a dream come true to be able to pass on the joy I felt as a child to others while dressed in my costume, and see the faces of children and adults alike light up when they see my costume and lightsabers.

No placement