The Character Sheet is an integral part of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and one of the most complex. In the interest of working together to show the versatility of this system, you are tasked with designing a Character Sheet for the listed iconic character.
Through this competition, you will practice Character Sheet creation, while seeing what comes together to make a quality, and informative, sheet.
Here is an example of a quality Character Sheet created by Marick Arconae:
Using the above character, create a Character Sheet containing the following information:
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Syntax (20%) – Includes grammar, spelling, mechanics, and use of formatting.
Entertainment Value and Creativity (50%) – Includes how entertaining and creative aspects and physical description are, as well how well the character sheet fits together as a whole. Also includes how engaging the character is to read, and how the personality of the character shows through the character sheet.
Realism (30%) – How well does the character match what is known about this character in the canon? This includes choice of rank, order, and path – but some flexibility is given here as we do not have an easy, direct comparison between the movies and our systems. Note that if you decide to “fill in the blanks” for characters where we don’t know a lot, what you present must closely match what it is we do know about them and fit plausibly within the Star Wars Universe.
Feats per rank, total, for Force Users and Non-Force Users:
Character Sheet Reference:
Character Sheet Creation Guide:
Use the following link to vote for the topic character for a later edition:
1st place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
2nd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place
Colonel Len Iode