Whether you're an Iron Loyalist, a Shadow Heart or a Jedi Sympathizer, when your Summit calls, you answer - if only to bide your time until the moment is ripe. At the behest of your Summit, you've undertaken a mission to investigate the recent acts of terrorism across Dajorra and both the actions and membership of the increasingly obvious factions dividing your Clan. Your overriding objective, however, is that your mission remain undiscovered. On a clandestine assignment, in uncertain territory, you encounter an Arconan of uncertain loyalties. There can be only one choice...
The prompt above is intended as a suggestion and a springboard for ideas. Feel free to improvise, though references to the events in Sins are encouraged.
For Sins of the Past: Episode II, the special event is a retro-style ACC Race. What does this mean? It means the goal is to win as many ACC matches (and lose as few) against your fellow Arconans as possible. All matches will be created in the Sins of the Past Hall and graded according to the ACC Rubric. Further details can be found below.
All matches must be requested using this form in order to be included in the competition.
Be sure to include your character's name, your PIN and the link to your current Character Sheet when signing up!
1st place
General Stres'tron'garmis
2nd place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
2nd place
Master Alaris Jinn
2nd place
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
5th place
Braecen Kaeth