Objective: Found within an encoded text, a section the Ranorm Decree has been forwarded to Odan-Urr to assist with their case to the Conclave. Decode the message before the vote is held, to determine if it will be of use.
How we are Grading: An entry with no mistakes will value higher than an entry with one or more mistakes.
Entries with the same number of mistakes (zero or otherwise) will be valued on time taken to complete the puzzle (lowest time valuing higher.)
A single mistake will value higher than two mistakes, but will always be less than an entry with no mistakes Two mistakes will always value higher than three mistakes, and so forth.
1st place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
2nd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
3rd place
Torin Ardell
4th place
Corvus Corax
5th place
6th place
Colonel Len Iode
7th place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
8th place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
9th place
Akaarn Tayl'cor
10th place
Uun Suu