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Mystic Kor Vaal
- File submission
- The_Sting_of_Betrayal.pdf
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Tasha'Vel Versea
- Textual submission
Cold, yet a bitter sting
My head reels back
What does this planet bring
Hurt and stabbing in the back
The foul stench of betrayals brought
Seeks to end the friendships sought
Sinking down in a mire so black
Your hope cries out but cuts no slack
You try to make sense of it all
But reality strikes you hard
They meant for you to fall
And now your trust is marred
Picking up the broken sword
You shake it towards your lord
"What have you done?"You scream
Hoping, just wanting it to be a dream
But there you stand
Looking up at the blood stained sky
Your weapon in hand
Prepared to die
Waiting to fight
Prepared and ready
Keep your blade steady
For soon you will show your might
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Issamuel Kin'Droth
- Textual submission
I decided to try a Ballad poem rather than 5 haikus this time. Hope you enjoy! Ballad Poem
"Ballad poems also tell a story, like epic poems do. However, ballad poetry is often based on a legend or a folk tale. Ballad poems may take the form of songs and may contain a moral or a lesson."
It is not looking like it is being attached, so I am submitting it in the text box as well, just to be sure!
Taking The Toll
By Eetherbiail, Dossier #11484
In days long past,
We were allies at last.
Till the wind rolled
Taking us up, up, up
Taking us up.
We could not put our differences,
We chose our preferences,
Eventually we learned
The feeling of betrayal, betrayal, betrayal
The feeling of betrayal.
As we chose our side,
We have to abide,
While we listened to our Emperor
Toll, that’s what we get as we kill them, them, them
Toll, that’s what we get as we kill them.
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A deleted dossier
- File submission
- The_Sting_of_Betrayal_-_Darth_Vexatus_188.docx
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Kyo Akumu
- File submission
- Sting_of_betrayal.doc
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Evelynn Wyrm
- Textual submission
Oh what a fate upon us comes,
when allies firm betray your trust.
When silence breaks, shook up by drums,
and grassy plains turn into dust.
Once friends of old, now deadly foes,
two clans go forth, to wage their war.
No matter how the story goes,
their friendly ties exist no more.
With vengeful wrath the fight begins,
lives thrown away for honor's cause.
Can we atone for deadly sins,
when killing's done without a pause?
The end result, always the same,
no good can come from shattered ties.
What good are they, power and fame,
when friendship true forever dies?
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Tribune Kanal O'neill
- Textual submission
The traitorous move was big
So much for the group on the rig
The Black Hand gave the command
Naga Sadow would fall by demand
Feelings of hatred started to spread
Continue it must until they are dead
Scholae forces pummel them hard
They would beat them and take all the shards
Of the artifacts on the planet below
They would be the masters of all that they sow
Sith artifacts to make them all grow
The more they learn the more they know
Falling from the sky
We will catch them in a lie
Always moving into the future
Scholae Palatinae will be the stronger.
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Master Bentre Stahoes
- Submission
- Master Bentre Stahoes opted out of publishing his submission.
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General Kell Palpatine Dante
- Textual submission
Over the years in the Brotherhood
Quit common is this dark act
Missions foiled by many a mood
Always an assurance of fact.
Started off to make the pirates pay
For their crimes and destruction
Whose job was it to say
Let us not fall prey to separation
First the young ones would stray
A trickle of blood was taken by each
Tenuous bonds between them did fray
Soon the alliance was in full breach
Defeat would come to the Palatinae or Sadows
Each had their own cares
As if no one would rise from the shadows
To take what is rightfully theirs.
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Aul Celsus
- Textual submission
*Once, you were my brother*
Once, you were my brother
A comrade I could trust
Back-to-back with each other
Victories we’d discover
But now that’s left to rust
It hurts to see you’ve changed
How you blindly carried order
Perhaps you are deranged
To me you are estranged
You’ve crossed a sacred border
So I’ll do what I must do
And defend my loyal Clan
I’ll have to see this through
Do what’s right in my world view
And fight you, Man to Man
Our blades will singe and clash
They’ll illuminate the night
We’ll strike and we will slash
You will feel the full backlash
YOU have caused this fight
So here will stand
And let this be goodbye
The moment is at hand
Maybe not how you had planned
Because here, tonight, you die
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Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
- Submission
- Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
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Aylin Sajark
- Textual submission
Ripped ties, broken groups
raging like a heated war
The feud not ending
Order given, order followed
fights end in lonely travel
the cold ever there
Cold is harsh, biting
The loneliness bitter cold
The travel going on
Questions rising, more follow
Never an answer given
Who to trust
Greed does ruin things
Without it, we are nothing
Fight makes us strong
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- File submission
- StingOfBetrayal_BladeTavar-2.pdf
- Textual submission
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Mar Sûl
- Submission
- Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.
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- Textual submission
1) In the ways of shattered ties life begins
One shall stand and fall
While the suns set to East and West
2) Among the warriors of both Clans past
Few stand still for peace
War ravages all and consumes our Ends.
3) War wages on, yet peace slowly wakes
Without one the other cannot arise
Ashes will linger on lips sun dew
4) Peace the lie we tell for war
War the mother of peace
Both shall birth us into nights embrace
5) Nights moon light brings wars sleep
Sun shall never wake death
Reaper will come, claim suns light again.
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Rosh Nyine
- Textual submission
And thus it began
United under common goals
stars, shining as allies
stood strong and wise
until all was burnt to coals.
They fought as kinsman
Lots of promises were made
oaths not to be broken
betrayers for a few tokens
that now creep in the shades
That was the plan
Never intended to cooperate
they threw at each other
no more blood brothers
all returns to the cycle of hate
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Maximus Alvinius
- Textual submission
This fued has taken its toll,
after betrayal from a might foe,
the Sadows will learn that you reap what you sow.
Scholae Palatinae begin their their final ride,
setting their sights on the highest prize,
the artifact awarded will seal their pride.
Nearing the hour of the dead,
the Emperor pushes us all ahead,
for losing is not an option with all we have bled.
Strike down the enemy,
let them feel our power,
now is the time to make them cower.
Rally now as a Scholae
forward we will move,
victory awaits on this last finale.
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Master Mune Cinteroph
- File submission
- The_Sting_of_Betrayal.docx
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Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind
- File submission
- feud_haiku.doc
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- File submission
- The_Sting_of_Betrayal.pdf
- Textual submission
- Placement
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Sage Enzo Dek
- File submission
- Poetry_Comp_ST.docx
- Placement
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Adept DarkHawk Sadow
- File submission
- DJB_Poem.docx
- Textual submission
Warrior DarkHawk
Pin 264
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- Member
Archangel Palpatine
- Textual submission
Like a fallow rose of dawn,
Crimson blossom on a chest,
The king orders a pawn,
The king must know best.
We stand together in battle,
It is not a simple day,
You mince on and prattle,
Eventually, you'll pay,
Though today, Sadow fool,
You are not my enemy,
You are but a useful tool,
To tackle the pirates, Red Fury.
Come now, 'brave' Sadow,
Pounce on the foe,
When they're through, though,
We will hunt you like a doe.
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- Member
Qyreia Arronen
- Textual submission
against a mutual foe
power of allies
Greed falls upon them
Ice cold wind heralds its doom
betrayed for baubles
Their spirits laid low
confusion spreads like wildfire
The Proconsul knows
Skies rendered in red
mimic the blood on the ground
A futile struggle
Trust only your Clan
for their loyalties are known:
to their own desires
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A deleted dossier
- Textual submission
You once staired as we fought against a common foe.
They where terrified.
We where a unstoppable force.
We spread carnage and death to those who got in our way.
We where unmatched.
But then you left me for for dead
You gave into your greed.
A great bond was broken
A unstoppable force was stopped.
How could you?
Now want you dead.
I can't wait till my crimsin blade cuts right through you.
I'll make you pay when we meet on the battle field.
I'll make you know true fear.
I'll make you know the pain I felt when you left me to die...
- Placement
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Warden Benn Nevis
- Textual submission
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I killed the damn pirates.
And so did you.
Clan Scholae Palatinae bleeds red.
When shot through and through,
I shot them once more,
When my aim wasn’t true.
Bloody snow is bright red,
Frozen skin is light blue,
I was hacking and slashing,
All the day through.
My robes are stained red,
My crazed eyes shine bright blue
What out Palatinaean,
I’m coming for you.
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Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- Textual submission
Though it is as I expected it to be,
The twisted lies now split open for all to see,
Cracked lips darkened hearts,
Treachery to drag our union apart.
Disgusting creatures one and all,
Heathens heretics pain will come before your fall,
I will take every last one of to the grave ending your life,
Slitting throats and crushing bones with hands and throat.
CSP cowards and fools,
Failed to follow the most basic of rules,
Stabbing in the back so twisted and stale,
I'll enjoy watching your flesh turn putrid and pale.
I will find you one after one,
I will gut you leaving you bloody and torn,
Death will come for you just you wait,
The reaper is coming and she's never late.
- Placement
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General Zentru'la
- Textual submission
Once trusted allies
Now turned bitter enemies
As quick as blinking
Friendship bound to break
Prone to political schemes
And the march of time
Soldiers used as pawns
But will honour their duty
And murder their friends
Allies then, foes now
The future is uncertain
Always in motion
Time stops for no one
Should they find a mutual foe
Would friendship restore?
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- Member
Qor Kith
- Textual submission
Moment of Betrayal
Back to back under fiery skies,
Our enemies swatted away like flies,
We held the ground like kings,
But oh, we knew not what the future brings.
We've weathered many a storm,
Our cause is empty, cold, it used to keep us warm,
Bitter tears were sadly wept, we begged you not to go,
You dare not look in my eyes, you didn't want to know.
Allies, brothers, through thick and thin,
Crisis wormed into our lives, oh she took us in,
Stole your loyalty, your fight, it's no longer you and me,
Today you took the first shot, and finally you are free.
I will not be the mask of your madness,
Drugged by war, breaking your habit,
And while you whip out your demands,
Always remember, we were never dough in your hands.
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