Someone stole the Nagamichi.
Having returned from Drummund Kaas, Muz discovered that force-enabled thieves had managed to breach security aboard the Fallen Spear and leave with the ancient blade.
Beset with rage, Muz naturally suspected his long-time foe, the Tang'va Tiberius. The evidence you found, however, points to a more sinister plot. You know that this may be an opportunity to advance in the Proconsul's esteem, almost guaranteeing you a spot on the Black Guard.
You must convince Ashen that your deduction is correct, then fight alongside him to retrieve the blade.
FICTION: 12 point times new roman, minimum of three pages, maximum of ten pages. You MUST write in Muz's character appropriately. Entries will be judged on content, realism, character development, flow, and grammar. mail *.doc or *.txt to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and your superior officers.
Details on the Nagamichi may be read on the MB Writer's Corner under the thread named "Smile Back".
Amethyst, Sapphire and Emerald crescents will be awarded to the best entries, with the first place entry becoming CNS 'canon' and will fill the slot of Black Guard to the ProConsul.
Nobody has participated in this competition.