Tacitus Athanasius may be a Battle Team for Excidium, but we liked to be everywhere. There’s no such thing as being too careful. So, we’re in need of small rendezvous points and outposts on all planets under Scholae Palatinae. Even if it means stepping on Shadow Guard’s toes a bit.
Create an image of an outpost and include a description as to why you designed it the way you did and where it would be located. For example, perhaps hidden in the mountain ranges of Judecca. An example would be of the Nightingale hideout in Skyrim. It’s in plain site, but it’s hidden. Or even the Dark Brotherhood base in Skyrim. Perhaps as simple as an old tower in an abandoned palace or even in some ruins.
All digital and traditional art are welcome. Standard image format is required (jpg. png. etc.)
1st place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater