Competition: ComPUNCtion for Puns 3: This is PUNDERDOME!

ComPUNCtion for Puns 3: This is PUNDERDOME!

On two previous occasions, the Brotherhood's greatest pungineers have done battle for honor, glory, and the groans of their enemies. With a certain quadrennial athletic competition (that I dare not mention for fear of the mighty trademark gods) coming to a close, it's time to do it again.

Below you will be given a number of topics on which you will craft your best (worst?) and most groan inducing pun. While I'm not going to set a firm word limit, I will remind you all that brevity is the soul of wit. Each pun will be scored on a 1-10 scale based on humor, originality (very important) and groan factor and the highest overall scores will win (in the case of a tie, the highest and lowest pun scores will be dropped). Good luck!

Competition Information
Organized by
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Running time
2016-08-21 until 2016-09-11 (22 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
23 subscribers, of which 11 have participated.
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

1) I'd say you've done this competition before, but it's not fair to Pickachu.
2) It's a bit of an Ostrich to keep these puns up!
3) I'm Stilton going, though.
4) I Will-ow never stop.
5 & 6) I Do-Don't Brie-lieve how bad those above puns have been!

1st place
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

1. "Listen, you have to stop Slaking and get on the road."

"I would, Ma, but it's still too Misty."

2. "He is quite the fowl branch-manager, isn't he?"

3. Halloumi to introduce my gouda friend, Brie.

4. May the forest be with yew.

5. Pokemon+birds: "Exeggcute the plan!"

"But sir, isn't it ill-Eagle?"

"We'll just have to take a Chancey."

6. Cheese and trees/plants: I felt gouda 'bout my decision. Yew certainly rose ton the occasion.

2nd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

1: Come with me to Paras so that I can Pikachu.
2: To parrot a great sage: sometimes you're looking for a lasting dove, sometimes you just want a quick duck.
3: Do you want to trade? If you give me your bleu I'll give you a roquefort.
4: Whenever Vorsa sees Turel chasing another woman, she gets green with ivy.
5/6: Despite the oddish gloom, I thought the botanical gardens were pretty as a peach.

3rd place
Kylex Sanguris
Kylex Sanguris opted out of publishing his submission.
4th place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Textual submission

1. When I pikachu, I can't help but pine for you.

2. I see a tern for the worst coming.

3. Why do you always make me feel so provalone?

4. I am glad we are such fronds, but I really wish you could stop being such a whiny little birch.

5th place
General Daniel Stephens
General Daniel Stephens opted out of publishing his submission.
6th place
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Textual submission

1.I am Mightyena you
2. That's a Fowl!
3. I'm a Goudist
4. He's pecan at you
5/6. Me Pikachu? No, you're pecan at me!

7th place
8th place
Scarlet Agna
Scarlet Agna
Textual submission

1. Can you DIGLETT?

2. We are not EMUsed

3. CURDS of Prey

4. Thank YEW

5/6. Can you DIGLETT? , We are not EMUsed.

8th place
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Textual submission

1. Let me take a peek at chu/pikachu!
2. I hope you think this is EMUsing
3. This it not yo/nacho cheese
4. Wood you prefer a better pun?

I think I should leaf this one for the birds.

9th place
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Textual submission

Last night me and my girl were watching Aladin. As he and the princess went on a *magikarpet* ride, I noticed my girl wasn't wearing *abra*. Some would say something like that is *onix-ceptable*, but I can *diglett*. I turned on my *charmander* pants came right off.

10th place
Xenna Azara
Textual submission

The piplup's were on thin ice already

No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

1. Stroke' e man, go!
2. Birds of a feather always go powder their noses together
3. Make that sandwich expensive...stack that cheese
4. Keep your rosebud out of the garden, the neighbors can see!
5/6. After we stack all that cheese and the birds flock to the restroom make sure they keep their rosebuds indoors so we can play a little stroke e' mon later.

No placement
Seer Xolarin
Textual submission

Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac: Gotta scratch em all!

What kind of fragrance does a Force-sensitive tree put out? A Coru-scent.

No placement