Competition: Tempus Fugit

Tempus Fugit

Prompt: Your character awakens suddenly, violently, unaware of their current location. Confusion is paramount as they are greeted by unfamiliar surroundings – apparent they are not in the same place they laid to rest. A quick inventory check shows you only have a few hundred credits, your weapons, a personal possession, and an alternate set of clothing.

Desperate, you reach for your com-link and attempt to contact your allies. There is no response from your Clan. You attempt the Brotherhood channels, as well, finding the exact same results. With no other alternatives, you activate the holo-news network to ascertain any facts that may be relevant to your plight. The female correspondent’s hologram projects upward, her words dousing you like ice water, “-just in, Finis Valorum has been succeeded by Senator Palpatine as the new Supreme Chancellor.”

How does your character react to being throw backwards to 32 BBY? How do they cope with fitting in to the events and ideas of this era? What are your next steps or do you find your way back to our current time?

How it will be graded: Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric

Competition Information
Organized by
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor, Maenaki Delavi'in
Running time
2016-09-07 until 2016-10-07 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
18 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
1st place
Remurr Hijaa
Remurr Hijaa
Remurr Hijaa opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Antonai 'PaRapRappa' Lanfear
Textual submission

I marched through the darkness with only my fear to guide me. I was lost, afraid, and naked without my ambition to power my actions. I had been born into an eternal struggle as a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, but with it gone I was nothing. This was my only chance.

My hands gripped the cold metal of the stairwell as I hauled myself upward further and further. It seemed like an eternity as I stomped a slow death march towards the Dark Lord of the Sith. I knew him to be a powerful and evil man, but I also knew he had done fantastic things with that power. Terrible, yes, but fantastic. I also knew that only the Emperor could give me the aide I so desperately needed.

A sound stopped me in my tracks. A heavy labored breathing from my right. Instinctively, I reached for my weapon and activated it. My green blade was met with a powerful blow from a red blade. I watched in horror as my weapon was pushed back into me, the edge biting into my shoulder. A terrible visage of power adorned in blacks of all kinds stood before me. I instantly recognized him for who he was from the history books I had read - Darth Vader. I tried to plea my case, but he would hear nothing of it. On and on and on, he came with a combination of powerful blows and wild techniques in the force. As his blood red blade plunged into my heart I could only regret what would not pass. I could not tell my story, share my knowledge and usher in a new era of darkness to a galaxy so desperate for order.

2nd place
3rd place
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Kylex Sanguris
File submission
No placement
Warden Benn Nevis
File submission
Textual submission

Here is the website I used as a translator:

No placement