Once you hit Subscribe A logic Puzzle will be reveled in which, there are 5 houses in 5 different colors. In each house lives a person of a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. Using the clues below can you determine who owns the fish?
Use the clues given in the puzzle and then fill in the below chart with your answers and determine Who owns the Fish ?
Winner will be determined by the member that correctly identify the owner of the Fish plus most correct answers in the answer table with ties broken but time taken to complete the table.
WARNING - Once you subscribe a timer will start and then will only stop when you submit a completed the puzzle (from subscribing to submission). Please don't share your answers with anyone this prevents them from having a unfair advantage, thank you!
Nationality | House Color | Beverage | Cigar Brand | Pet |
Nationality 1 | House Color 1 | Beverage 1 | Cigar 1 | Pet 1 |
Nationality 2 | House Color 2 | Beverage 2 | Cigar 2 | Pet 2 |
Nationality 3 | House Color 3 | Beverage 3 | Cigar 3 | Pet 3 |
Nationality 4 | House Color 4 | Beverage 4 | Cigar 4 | Pet 4 |
Nationality 5 | 1House Color 5 | Beverage 5 | Cigar 5 | Pet 5 |
The owner of the fish is the __________________________
1st place
Boss Ragnar Kul
2nd place
Akaarn Tayl'cor
3rd place
Corvus Corax