Competition: [Run On] Criminal interference

[Run On] Criminal interference

This is the Run-On competition for House Shar Dakhan. The Run-On will take place on the discourse forum. Teams with one member failing to post at least twice, will still be eligible for placing, with that member removed from earning participation.

Maya Nikeisha and The Traveler have gathered the support of the members in House Shar Dakhan. With the recent crime syndicates being expunged on Seng Karash, the remaining thugs, thieves and other criminals have flocked to Kel Rasha and are disturbing the elections with the distribution of false and incriminating evidence of both Mayoral candidates. It seems their main objective is to create chaos and confusion as they try to tighten their grip on the city in its weakened state. It is up to the team to control the situation, find information about the newly formed crime syndicate and to shut it's operation down if possible. The general population should not be aware of the investigating team unless absolutely necessary, as the main goal is to provide your Mayor with the credit to dealing with this situation should your team succeed.

Judging will be based on the fiction grading rubric. Level of cooperation with fellow clanmates in the Run-On will also be taken into consideration. This includes, but is not limited to, keeping a flow of continuity with the story, including other members in your own posts, not derailing the story for your own story. Threads will be fully reviewed by Darkblade and Zachary O'Maille.

You can find your team thread below!

Team Maya Nikeisha

Team Traveler

General Post Guidelines:
* Minimum post length of 250 words.
* Maximum post length of 1000 words.
* Minimum of 2 posts required for participation qualification.
* No posting twice in a row, one other member must post before you can again.
* Posts should be only continuation of the story, no OOC posts, save for posts from the event runner.
* Posts may be edited by the poster only, and no edits on a post will be allowed once the next post is made in the thread.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
House Event: Leadership for Kel Rasha!
Organized by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, Master Bentre Stahoes
Running time
2016-09-05 until 2016-10-09 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
House Shar Dakhan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
8 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind
Textual submission

Manually added by Savant Darkblade

1st place