Competition: [DJB Wiki] The Undertaking: Fiction

[DJB Wiki] The Undertaking: Fiction

Selika Roh, Tribune of the Holocrons of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, requires your assistance. A double encrypted message has arrived from the Warlord, requesting your presence. Upon meeting with her, she will give you the location information and the task which she has for you to complete.

  • Compose a fiction of no less than 500 words detailing your execution of the prompt found below.
  • Preferred submission is PDF format, but Word docs and text-box submissions will also be accepted. Links to Google Docs will NOT be accepted.
  • Grading will be in accordance with the Fiction Grading Rubric and proper use of Character Sheets.

Prompt: Antei lays in ruins. A landscape desecrated by an ancient ritual of destruction, charred buildings have been reduced to rubble. The remains of a once great temple and it surrounding discourse still “burn” to this day.

The ruins and remains of Antei around the Dark Temple are littered with rubble and decay. Tall spires have been toppled and withered with corrosion from the planet's periodic dust storms. The once great Dark Hall is mired with collapsed pillars and door frames. The last remnants of life are scattered and covered in layers of ash; broken furniture, fractured machinery and combusted equipment littering the apocalyptic palette of grays and greens.

Echoes of the past haunt the now desolate graveyard of a planet. Wild winds whip through the hollow landscape with harrowing howls, a sense of death and finality hanging heavy in the air. This aura is neither dark or light, but stands as living effigy to the destructive power a sole individual unleashed on an entire system.

It is into this hell that you are being sent. Below the Dark Hall lies the shattered remains of the Holocron Center of the Brotherhood. It has come to the attention of Selika Roh, Tribune of Holocrons, that some relics of the Brotherhood thought lost with the Fall of Antei still remain. That information, however, is known to far too many now. While you have been sent to retrieve them, the other Clans of the Brotherhood have learned of their location. Beyond the traps and defenses that may still function, Jedi, mercenaries, or Sith may stand in your way.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[DJB Wiki] The Undertaking
Organized by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Running time
2016-09-19 until 2016-10-09 (21 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
19 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
Abadeer Taasii
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Adept Xantros
3rd place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
3rd place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement