For this event, teams of 2-5 members will be tasked with the creation of a single Wiki article on the subject found below. The competition requirements/guidelines are as follows:
Article Subject: The old Holocron Center of the Brotherhood is no more, left behind within the ruins of Antei. A replacement must now be found. As outlined in the Grand Master’s recent fiction update, a new Imperial City and Brotherhood prescence is taking form on the planet Arx in Wild Space. You and your team are tasked with creating an artivle outlining the design of a new Holocron Center of the Brotherhood. Feel free to be creative, make it part of an existing structure, it’s own compound, or whatever strikes your fancy. Remember, however, that realism is still a concern, so keep it within what would be a considered reasonable scale for Brotherhood facilities (AKA don’t make it a Death Star!)
1st place
1st place
Jades A Sadow
1st place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow