Competition: Legacy: "This Wisdom I Leave With You..."

Legacy: "This Wisdom I Leave With You..."

We can leave stories, songs, and the like behind for those to come, but the most important thing one can leave behind is their wisdom for future generations.

You have been granted a holocron (or maybe a scroll) where you may pass down your wisdom to others. Maybe you give advice on the best way to kill a target or how to be one with the shadows. Perhaps you give advice on how one should be prepared for a mission both physically and mentally (even emotionally). That, or you leave behind what it means to be a part of Tacitus Athanasius. Even a message warning others to avoid a mistake you made. It's all up to you.

The minimum word limit is 250 words, and may be submitted in the textbox or via word, google docs, etc. 1st person POV is recommended to make it more personal. Grading will be done based off of originality and realism.

Competition Information
Organized by
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Running time
2016-10-07 until 2017-01-06 (3 months)
Target Unit
Battleteam Tacitus Athanasius
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
3 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Major Jon Silvon
Textual submission

Is - is this thing on? It's working? Alright...Never recorded one of these things myself uh...Shadow says I'm supposed to be "Recording my wisdom for future generations", whatever that means. At first I wasn't going to but....I thought of something you need to hear, whoever you are.
My nickname here is "The Hunter" because that's what I'm the best at doing. Other assassins have a simple job, kill the target without anyone seeing you, or leaving any evidence, which is simple...when they don't know you're coming.
Other times however, they expect you, and they try to hide, try to run. A hunter's job, in that case, is to find the target. In an whole galaxy, there's a lot of places to hide. The trick to it though, isn't knowing where to look, it's thinking like you're prey.
People think I'm a good hunter because I'm Cathar, we're natural hunters, and that's true, but it's not what makes me the best hunter, and it's not even because I have the Force. It's because I've...ah blast it, Shadow said the other's won't see this thing anyway...
It's because I've been hunted myself, and I'm not the only one in the Brotherhood either. A lot of us came hear to hide, to run, maybe you did too. Use that. Learn from it. It means you know how the Prey thinks, how the Prey will react, where it will run, when it will fight.
Now if you haven't, good for you. Now put this thing down, because you will never be a Hunter. Take the soft jobs, where you kill some fancy senator or mob boss in his pent house, or a thief in a cell.
Alright, I've said my part. Arron Saylos, signing out.

1st place
Kylex Sanguris
File submission
Textual submission


2nd place