Prompt: You've been assigned to oversee transport of an unknown but highly dangerous lifeform on the final leg of it's deep space journey to a top secret holding facility. However, before your transport reaches its destination, the cargo has broken out of containment, and it is readily apparent that the crew and security compliment are not going to be able to contain the situation on their own. The decision falls on you to either deal with the cargo or get off the ship, since you have been told that if there is a containment failure, your ship will be destroyed by orbital defenses, regardless of who is on board.
Notes: The nature of the cargo is entirely up to you to pick, but should fit with the nature of the plot, in that it is (or they are) highly dangerous and fight or flee are both valid options. You're also free to pick the type of transport vessel being used, since it will allow you to pick a location that will best suit the flora or fauna that has gotten loose. This story should follow the theme of a survival-horror situation, rather than just being a situation where your character single-handedly kills some horrible creature for hero points.
How to Submit: Write a submission that is at least 500 words (no maximum limit). Preferred submission format is pdf, and anything in a Google Document MUST be submitted in pdf format, no gdoc links will be accepted.
Grading: Grading will follow the Voice Fiction Rubric ( )
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
2nd place
Epis Locke Sonjie
3rd place
Balis Umada
4th place