Objective: Explore the Crystal Cave
You discovered the location and details of the Kyber Crystal Cave. Explore the cave network that stretches kilometres below the surface of Aesirus, where light fails to reach and communications fail to penetrate the thick rock layers. In the pitch black darkness, you may encounter resistance from SoroSuub security, predators that lurk beneath the surface and the constant threat of the rising tide that could flood the cave at any moment.
Scoring: Minimum 500 words. Grading will be based off of the fiction grading rubric and adherence to the given prompt. Must be submitted as an attached file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt). Shared GDocs will not be accepted, so if that is where you are writing it, when finished go to File>Download as and choose a file format.
1st place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
2nd place
Qor Kith
3rd place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
4th place