Competition: [ARC-COU] Halloween Horror Nights: Trick or Treat

[ARC-COU] Halloween Horror Nights: Trick or Treat

Pick five members from each Clan Arcona and Clan Odan-Urr for a total of ten members. Tell us if you would trick them or treat them. Be sure to tell us what devilish tricks you have in store for them. Or what prize (or gag gift!) you would give them as a treat. Entries will be judged on overall humor and how well it relates to the individuals you pick. Humor can be in-character or out of character.

Please note, due to event limitations, this event is listed as "Entire DJB," but is only open to those two Clans listed - Clan Arcona & Clan Odan-Urr. All other entries will be disqualified.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[ARC-COU] Halloween Horror Nights 2016
Organized by
Councillor Turel Sorenn, Braecen Kaeth
Running time
2016-10-24 until 2016-11-07 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
23 subscribers, of which 16 have participated.
1st place
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Textual submission

Braecen - Trick: I'd reveal what his girlfriend really looked like without his glasses.
Val - Treat: I'd show him a good (Destiny) time if he decided to come back and play!
Ernordeth - Trick: I'd get him one win away from Flawless Trials in Destiny, then throw the match.
Kordath - Trick: I'd get some really good booze, but empty the bottle and replace it with watered down booze.
Celahir - Treat: I'd surprise visit him in the Netherlands!

Arcia - Trick: I'd play Planetside 2 with him, but just follow him around and stand in front of his scope like a noob.
Turel - Treat: I'll play whatever roles in Overwatch he wants me to, and yell niceties at the opponents!
Mako - Trick: I'll take him out on the town, but it'll lead to roofies and waking up around a bunch of girls and no memories.
Edgar - Treat: I will give him a chance at GMRG XII!
Junazee - Treat: I will play some Battlefront or Overwatch with her during her times!

2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

Arcia (COU): Treat - [a T-shirt]( with the phrase "You'll always be our Melons of Selen" printed over its design.
Lavanth (COU): Treat - the biggest hugfest ever, given by a single file line of ten thousand hug-happy people who all somehow smell like your aunt's perfume, in a ten-mile hugging machine of hugtasticness.
Tisto (COU): Treat - new (shiny) chrome finish for his speeder bike and some chrome hair gel to boot
Alethia (COU): Treat - some poor Inqy sap from Arcona's prisons for her to interview
Turel (COU): Treat - the complete fifth season of Desperate Hutt Wives of Nar Shaddaa and the series box set of the award-winning holonovela drama, "Amigas y Rivales y Twi'leks", anonymously gifted
Skar (ARC): Treat...? - faux black alligator skin boots so he knows his grandfather walks,, something with him
Kordath (ARC): Treat - blueberry muffins
Zujenia (ARC): Treat - blueberry muffin mix
Atra (ARC): Treat - a year's supply of assorted loose leaf teas, for the pretentiously snarky tea "server"
Maeneki (ARC) Treat - a "welcome to the Clan" party box, including ~~mandatory~~ complimentary party hat and knife sharpener for convenient, inevitable backstabbings

3rd place
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Ernordeth Puer-Irae opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Nadrin Erinos Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Braecen Kaeth
Textual submission

1. Turel - trick - My dick in a box
2. Wally - treat - My dick in a box
3. Arcia - trick - A picture book of all the times she's smiled (its empty)
4. Atyiru - treat - Letting her give the photo album to Arcia
5. Uji - trick - "The Hamilton" official album; I've replaced the disc with Kid's Sing-Along music
6. Mako - treat - He confiscates the disc for both of his girls (they love it!)
7. Celahir - trick - New exciting opportunity to learn Ruby On Rails! (Put him to work in the SCL's Office)
8 Gavriel - treat - Give him Celahir (He's Mormon! Not that way. Geesh, I meant in the SCL Office. NO! NOT LIKE THAT!)
9. A'lora - trick - voucher for "romantic weekend with V'yr"; vouchers also given to several others
10. Ninj - trick - a commemorative vase for Zakath's ashes; Larrik uses it to ash his cigars in

No placement
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Ghost Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Textual submission

Kat: trick. spiders.
Skar: treat. boy deserves a hug.
Rhi: trick, I'll just pretend not to talk to her muahaha
Brae: treat, he works so hard, he gets a gold star.
Erno: trick, i'm going to remove all rap from the world

Edgar: a pet dragon (trick, THOSE AREN'T REAL)
Turel: a pet unicorn (treat, 100% realsies)
Mako: i'm going to make him listen to EVERYTHING that slagar has to say about everything (trick)
DS: a shiny new M-16 (treat)
A'lora: a new tablet (treat)

No placement
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

Celevon: Treat - a set of temporary tattoos that say "valar morghulis"
Atty: Treat - Glitter. Just truckloads of glitter. This doubles as a trick for the rest of Arcona.
Atra: Trick and treat - being forced to engage in moderately consensual sass with Turel all night.
Kordath: Trick - dye bombs in every panty drawer.
Zujenia: See Kordath.

Mar Sul: Treat - a pile of dead heretics.
Edgar Drachen: Treat - a set of totally badass temporary dragon tattoos. Maybe he and Edraven can trade a few.
A'lora: Treat - a shirt.
Sa Ool: Treat - a pet youngling.
Arcia: Treat - an Arconan navy baseball cap that she's never allowed to take off.

No placement
Xenna Azara
Xenna Azara opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Ossk opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Textual submission

1. Atyiru - Trick - Loose Ysalimiri in her apartment so she can't see anything.
2. Celevon - Trick - Send fake court orders for in-character child support
3. Uji - Treat - a suggestive picture of Turel in a slave leia outfit
4. Kordath - Trick - Replace his Ryn shampoo with "space" Nair and watch his hair fall out. Zuj will still love him.
5. Skar- Treat - A stuffed alligator plushie with "Zakath" on the collar.

1. Arcia - Treat - Airlock codes to all COU ships
2. Mar Sul - Trick - Convince him there is a captured heretic in the next room and fill it with mirrors
3. Alethia - Trick - Fill her office with Rebel Alliance theme'd merchandise
4. Edgar - Treat - An honorary get of out jail free card from Star Wars Monopoly
5. A'lora - Treat - A child support check from Turel

No placement
Textual submission

Edgar Drachen- Trick- A pretty wrapped box, once opened gets a acid splash.
Seraphol-Treat- $100 gift certificate, but in puzzle pieces. It has to be put together before being used.
Nero- Treat- Brand new pressure cooker.
Turel-Treat- A custom brony skin for Reinhart in Overwatch.
Leocadio- Free pizza for a year.

Kordath- Treat- Bottle of fine whiskey.
Rulvak- Treat- A purchase ticket for a custom skin for one select toon in overwatch.
Ernor- Treat- Purchase of several loot boxes for overwatch.
Atra- Treat-The newest art editing program.
Xeipha- Treat- The mercy witch skin for overwatch.

No placement
Padawan Tisto Kingang
Textual submission

COU Members:

Turel- I would TREAT Turel, and give him a speeder.

Edgar- I would TRICK him by removing several pieces from his ships engine and hiding them scavenger hunt style

Arcia- I would TRICK Arcia by painting the House Hoth flag ship bright pink.

Chris- I would TREAT Chris by giving him a new sight for his sniper rifle. I would also TRICIK him by making give everyone angry eyebrows.

Len- I would TRICK him by getting him a subscription to Blue Milk Connoisseurs spam mail.


Atyiru- I would TREAT her by giving her a brand new (Totally not stolen from Plagueis) medical kit.

Celahir- I would Trick him by giving him an exercise regimen

Kordath- I would TRICK him by giving him an empty plastic bottle that looks like a regular glass bottle.

Timeros- I would TRICK him by guiving him a shiny gold first place trophy, then "realize my mistake" and give it to Turel.

Uji- I would TRICK him by giving him a Dejaric board that registers him as loosing all the time.

No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
Fist Uji Tameike opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement