- Member
Darth Renatus
- Submission
- Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- Textual submission
Braecen - Trick: I'd reveal what his girlfriend really looked like without his glasses.
Val - Treat: I'd show him a good (Destiny) time if he decided to come back and play!
Ernordeth - Trick: I'd get him one win away from Flawless Trials in Destiny, then throw the match.
Kordath - Trick: I'd get some really good booze, but empty the bottle and replace it with watered down booze.
Celahir - Treat: I'd surprise visit him in the Netherlands!
Arcia - Trick: I'd play Planetside 2 with him, but just follow him around and stand in front of his scope like a noob.
Turel - Treat: I'll play whatever roles in Overwatch he wants me to, and yell niceties at the opponents!
Mako - Trick: I'll take him out on the town, but it'll lead to roofies and waking up around a bunch of girls and no memories.
Edgar - Treat: I will give him a chance at GMRG XII!
Junazee - Treat: I will play some Battlefront or Overwatch with her during her times!
- Placement
- Member
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- Textual submission
Arcia (COU): Treat - [a T-shirt](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9d/32/3f/9d323fd466457e37ee09462d8a6550ae.jpg) with the phrase "You'll always be our Melons of Selen" printed over its design.
Lavanth (COU): Treat - the biggest hugfest ever, given by a single file line of ten thousand hug-happy people who all somehow smell like your aunt's perfume, in a ten-mile hugging machine of hugtasticness.
Tisto (COU): Treat - new (shiny) chrome finish for his speeder bike and some chrome hair gel to boot
Alethia (COU): Treat - some poor Inqy sap from Arcona's prisons for her to interview
Turel (COU): Treat - the complete fifth season of Desperate Hutt Wives of Nar Shaddaa and the series box set of the award-winning holonovela drama, "Amigas y Rivales y Twi'leks", anonymously gifted
Skar (ARC): Treat...? - faux black alligator skin boots so he knows his grandfather walks beside...er, with...er...something, something with him
Kordath (ARC): Treat - blueberry muffins
Zujenia (ARC): Treat - blueberry muffin mix
Atra (ARC): Treat - a year's supply of assorted loose leaf teas, for the pretentiously snarky tea "server"
Maeneki (ARC) Treat - a "welcome to the Clan" party box, including ~~mandatory~~ complimentary party hat and knife sharpener for convenient, inevitable backstabbings
- Placement
- Member
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
- Submission
- Ernordeth Puer-Irae opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
- Submission
- Nadrin Erinos Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Braecen Kaeth
- Textual submission
1. Turel - trick - My dick in a box
2. Wally - treat - My dick in a box
3. Arcia - trick - A picture book of all the times she's smiled (its empty)
4. Atyiru - treat - Letting her give the photo album to Arcia
5. Uji - trick - "The Hamilton" official album; I've replaced the disc with Kid's Sing-Along music
6. Mako - treat - He confiscates the disc for both of his girls (they love it!)
7. Celahir - trick - New exciting opportunity to learn Ruby On Rails! (Put him to work in the SCL's Office)
8 Gavriel - treat - Give him Celahir (He's Mormon! Not that way. Geesh, I meant in the SCL Office. NO! NOT LIKE THAT!)
9. A'lora - trick - voucher for "romantic weekend with V'yr"; vouchers also given to several others
10. Ninj - trick - a commemorative vase for Zakath's ashes; Larrik uses it to ash his cigars in
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ghost Edgar Drachen
- Submission
- Ghost Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
- Textual submission
Kat: trick. spiders.
Skar: treat. boy deserves a hug.
Rhi: trick, I'll just pretend not to talk to her muahaha
Brae: treat, he works so hard, he gets a gold star.
Erno: trick, i'm going to remove all rap from the world
Edgar: a pet dragon (trick, THOSE AREN'T REAL)
Turel: a pet unicorn (treat, 100% realsies)
Mako: i'm going to make him listen to EVERYTHING that slagar has to say about everything (trick)
DS: a shiny new M-16 (treat)
A'lora: a new tablet (treat)
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
- Submission
- Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Textual submission
Celevon: Treat - a set of temporary tattoos that say "valar morghulis"
Atty: Treat - Glitter. Just truckloads of glitter. This doubles as a trick for the rest of Arcona.
Atra: Trick and treat - being forced to engage in moderately consensual sass with Turel all night.
Kordath: Trick - dye bombs in every panty drawer.
Zujenia: See Kordath.
Mar Sul: Treat - a pile of dead heretics.
Edgar Drachen: Treat - a set of totally badass temporary dragon tattoos. Maybe he and Edraven can trade a few.
A'lora: Treat - a shirt.
Sa Ool: Treat - a pet youngling.
Arcia: Treat - an Arconan navy baseball cap that she's never allowed to take off.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Xenna Azara
- Submission
- Xenna Azara opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Submission
- Ossk opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Councillor Turel Sorenn
- Textual submission
1. Atyiru - Trick - Loose Ysalimiri in her apartment so she can't see anything.
2. Celevon - Trick - Send fake court orders for in-character child support
3. Uji - Treat - a suggestive picture of Turel in a slave leia outfit
4. Kordath - Trick - Replace his Ryn shampoo with "space" Nair and watch his hair fall out. Zuj will still love him.
5. Skar- Treat - A stuffed alligator plushie with "Zakath" on the collar.
1. Arcia - Treat - Airlock codes to all COU ships
2. Mar Sul - Trick - Convince him there is a captured heretic in the next room and fill it with mirrors
3. Alethia - Trick - Fill her office with Rebel Alliance theme'd merchandise
4. Edgar - Treat - An honorary get of out jail free card from Star Wars Monopoly
5. A'lora - Treat - A child support check from Turel
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Textual submission
Edgar Drachen- Trick- A pretty wrapped box, once opened gets a acid splash.
Seraphol-Treat- $100 gift certificate, but in puzzle pieces. It has to be put together before being used.
Nero- Treat- Brand new pressure cooker.
Turel-Treat- A custom brony skin for Reinhart in Overwatch.
Leocadio- Free pizza for a year.
Kordath- Treat- Bottle of fine whiskey.
Rulvak- Treat- A purchase ticket for a custom skin for one select toon in overwatch.
Ernor- Treat- Purchase of several loot boxes for overwatch.
Atra- Treat-The newest art editing program.
Xeipha- Treat- The mercy witch skin for overwatch.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Padawan Tisto Kingang
- Textual submission
COU Members:
Turel- I would TREAT Turel, and give him a speeder.
Edgar- I would TRICK him by removing several pieces from his ships engine and hiding them scavenger hunt style
Arcia- I would TRICK Arcia by painting the House Hoth flag ship bright pink.
Chris- I would TREAT Chris by giving him a new sight for his sniper rifle. I would also TRICIK him by making give everyone angry eyebrows.
Len- I would TRICK him by getting him a subscription to Blue Milk Connoisseurs spam mail.
Atyiru- I would TREAT her by giving her a brand new (Totally not stolen from Plagueis) medical kit.
Celahir- I would Trick him by giving him an exercise regimen
Kordath- I would TRICK him by giving him an empty plastic bottle that looks like a regular glass bottle.
Timeros- I would TRICK him by guiving him a shiny gold first place trophy, then "realize my mistake" and give it to Turel.
Uji- I would TRICK him by giving him a Dejaric board that registers him as loosing all the time.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Fist Uji Tameike
- Submission
- Fist Uji Tameike opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement