Information: As Grand Master Pravus threatens the Brotherhood and agents of the Inqusitorious infiltrate the clan's ranks, many are forced to react in ways they may not expect. Among other conflicts, such as the Karashi Void virus spreading on Aeotheran and the Dominion threat looming on the horizon, members of Naga Sadow find themselves in a precarious position. Everything seems poised to cascade into darkness.
Prompt: This is a slice-of-life Runon. It will have one thread, located at this link. The main focus here is to develop your character and show what they are doing during this time period. As such, you can write about what ever you want, as long as it is realistic and fits within the Brotherhood's narrative. Your character may have their own agenda, and be doing their own thing, or want to be more involved in happenings in the Brotherhood. Judging will be based on who shows the most character development over the time period of the Runon. Barring major conflicts, posts in this Runon should be considered official for your character moving forward, if you want them to be.
1st place
Warden Benn Nevis
2nd place
Master Bentre Stahoes
3rd place
Qyreia Arronen