Competition: The Journey Home

The Journey Home

Objective: Find a way off Aesirus, and back home to the Cocytus system.

You have been left trapped and abandoned on the mining planet of Aesirus. Betrayed and expected to die there, you and your clanmates need to survive. Survive to take the fight back home, and reclaim control of the Empire. But before you can think about stopping those responsible, you have to make it back.

Write a story of escaping the planet Aesirus, and the path you take to smuggle yourself back into the Cocytus system.

Scoring: Minimum 500 words. Grading will be based off of the fiction grading rubric and adherence to the given prompt. Must be submitted as an attached file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt). Shared GDocs will not be accepted, so if that is where you are writing it when finished go to File>Download as and choose a file format.

Competition Information
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2016-11-11 until 2016-11-30 (20 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
8 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
Master Mune Cinteroph
File submission
1st place
General Zentru'la
File submission
2nd place
3rd place
File submission
3rd place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

Alone in the dark, dank, and damp cave, the head of the Palpatine family meditated upon recent events. Kell had thought that the taking on if this mission without the support of the Imperial Scholar Guard was odd, bit he had changed it up to the Emperor not wanting the non-Force users to know about the addition of this planet to the domain of the Cocytus Empire. Instead, it seemed that Xen's strange behavior was a symptom of his being taken over by an entity.

Now, it was time to save his friend and fellow Palpatine along with insuring the long term sovereignty of the Empire. With the entire clan stuck on this planet, Dante couldn't fathom what was going on within the various Imperial bureaucracies that the higher members of the clan ran on a daily basis. A Dante had been at the helm of the club's ground forces for over a decade, and they wouldn't take too kindly to having their commanding officer being announced as killed in action without a body.

Luckily, the Adept had been by himself on a solo recon mission when the betrayal was revealed. Unlike many if his compatriots, Kell wasn't trapped deep underground, and this was his salvation he thought as he made his way past the entrance to the underground mining system and up to higher ground.

The craggy features of the hilltop rose up in stark contrast to the darkness of the cave that Dante had been encased in for the past few days. The Adept shrugged off his combat pack and sat down on one of the larger rocks. After rummaging through the pack for a moment, Kell pulled out the piece of equipment that he was looking for: a transmitter that Ferraro had given him years ago when he first joined the Shadowstalkers. It was still shrinkwrapped in the original packaging, and the Field Marshal unwrapped it and flipped on the activation switch. It powered up quickly, and the system seemed to be transmitting.

Now that that was done, Kell pulled out his personal shelter and set it up to wait for the rescue craft that was hopefully on the way. He chuckled to himself as he figured this would be a great time to catch up on his reading.

Light turned to dark then back to light as the trooper awaited his pickup. Just before sunset, a speck appeared on the horizon and began heading towards Kell. Blending in with the encroaching darkness, the Zulu class shuttle covered the distance quickly before it flared its engines and hovered above the transponder. Dante crawled out of his shelter and waved to the flight crew as the ramp lowered for him to hop aboard.

After grabbing his gear, Kell hopped onto the shuttle and grasped the officer's hand who greeted him in the transport hold.

Ferraro smiled and said "Good to see you, kid. Ready to go?"

Shaking his head, Dante responded with "Let's see how many people we can find first. After that... We take back our Empire."

No placement
Tribune Kanal O'neill
File submission
No placement
Qor Kith
File submission
No placement