The card has been drawn, and that card is “The Devil”. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Tarot. What does this card represent? Expressing anger, the subconscious, endurance, evil influence, limitation and boundaries, and black magic. Your task is to write a character fiction with one of these issues, intentions and powers in mind. Explore the depths of what this card represents in regards to your character, and write an event that has to do with one of the above. Share a story about anger, or perhaps a tale of your character’s endurance, or an evil influence in your character’s life.
All entries must be submitted in a downloadable format (.doc, .xdoc, .txt, .pdf), and be a minimum of 500 words with no maximum word count.
Grading Criteria:
Convention: 10%
Creativity: 15%
Realism: 25%
Story: 40%
Entertainment Value: 10%
1st place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
2nd place
Qor Kith