Competition: Luck: Pazaak with no side deck

Luck: Pazaak with no side deck

Not everything is up to your skills, talents or strengths. Sometimes you’ve just got to be lucky. But who knows, maybe there’s a genetic component to luck? Let’s see. Face off against your comrades in as many Pazaak matches as you can, but do not use a side deck.

Although you have to select a side deck in order to begin playing Pazaak, both players must waive their access to a side deck for matches to be valid for this test. This means that even though you selected a side deck, you are not allowed to use it! Good luck!

Matches must be set up through the Fist-O-Matic or other official means in order to count. The top three members with the highest PvP score (weighted) will be the winners.

1st= 4 points 2nd= 3 points 3rd= 2 points

Remember: No side deck cards are to be used!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Project: S.P.E.C.I.A.L
Organized by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade, Aul Celsus
Running time
2016-12-01 until 2016-12-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Multiplayer Gaming
Third Level Crescents
12 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
Place Name Score
1st Evelynn Wyrm PVP score 9.63 (34 wins, 26 losses, 60 matches)
2nd A deleted dossier PVP score 8.01 (31 wins, 29 losses, 60 matches)
3rd Master Bentre Stahoes PVP score 6.13 (21 wins, 15 losses, 36 matches)
4th Armad PVP score 4.69 (15 wins, 9 losses, 24 matches)
5th Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar PVP score 4.08 (14 wins, 10 losses, 24 matches)
6th Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind PVP score 4.01 (17 wins, 19 losses, 36 matches)
7th Benn Nevis PVP score 3.13 (15 wins, 21 losses, 36 matches)
8th Epis Locke Sonjie PVP score 2.67 (8 wins, 4 losses, 12 matches)
9th Master Malik Sadow PVP score 1.04 (5 wins, 7 losses, 12 matches)
10th Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow PVP score 0.67 (4 wins, 8 losses, 12 matches)
11th Marcus Kiriyu PVP score 0.38 (3 wins, 9 losses, 12 matches)