Competition: [Life Day Games] The Present Exchange (Logic Puzzle)

[Life Day Games] The Present Exchange (Logic Puzzle)

Time for another Logic puzzle and this time can you help figure things out?

You must subscribe to see the entire puzzle and start the timer. Then use the clues given in the puzzle to solve it and then submit your answer in the text box on the site.

Winner will be determined by the first person to submit the correct solution in the fastest time.

WARNING - Once you subscribe a timer will start and then will only stop when you submit a completed the puzzle (from subscribing to submission). This will be the time used to determine the winner.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
The Life Day Games 2016
Organized by
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Running time
2016-12-09 until 2017-01-07 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Fourth Level Crescents
14 subscribers, of which 9 have participated.
Reaper Heiken Akechi
Subscription time
14 December 2016
Submission time
14 December 2016
Time taken
373 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

Harry|Charlie - CD|Basketball
Zack|Tom - DVD|Bat
Amy|Ashley - Dartboard|Hat
Derek|Brittany - Shirt|Car
Grace|Rose - Book|Candy

1st place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
Subscription time
15 December 2016
Submission time
15 December 2016
Time taken
1244 seconds (± 21 minutes)
Textual submission

Harry received the CD and gave the Basketball to Charlie.
Derek received the T-shirt and gave the Toy Car to Brittany.
Zack received the DVD and gave the Baseball Bat to Tom.
Amy received the Hat and gave the Dartboard to Ashley.
Grace received the Book and gave the Candy to Rose.

2nd place
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Subscription time
16 December 2016
Submission time
16 December 2016
Time taken
2817 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

Zach is giving Tom the baseball bat and receiving a dvd
Harry is giving Charlie a basketball and receiving a CD
Amy is giving Ashley a mini Dartboard and receiving a Hat
Derek is giving Brittany a Toy Car and receiving a T-Shirt
Grace is giving Rose Candy and receiving a Book

3rd place
General Daniel Stephens
Subscription time
03 January 2017
Submission time
03 January 2017
Time taken
3107 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

Tom got a DVD from Zack and gave him a baseball bat.
Derek gave Brittany a toy car and got a t shirt from her.
Harry got a Hat from Charlie and gave Charlie a Basketball.
Amy got a hat from Ashley and gave her a mini dart board
ROse got candy from Grace and gave her a book.

4th place
Subscription time
05 January 2017
Submission time
05 January 2017
Time taken
4371 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

Harry gives Charlie a basketball and receive a CD from him.
Zack will give Tom a baseball bat and receive a DVD from him.
Grace will give Rose candy and receive a book from her.
Derek will give Brittany a toy car and receive a T-shirt from her.
Amy will give Ashley a mini-dartboard and receive a hat from her.

No placement
Subscription time
07 January 2017
Submission time
07 January 2017
Time taken
272 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Ossk opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Colonel Len Iode
Subscription time
13 December 2016
Submission time
14 December 2016
Time taken
73879 seconds (± about 21 hours)
Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Keiji Suoh
Subscription time
03 January 2017
Submission time
03 January 2017
Time taken
1415 seconds (± 24 minutes)
Textual submission

Tom gives Zack a DVD, Zack gives Tom Baseball bat
Harry gives Brittinay a basket ball, She gives back a CD
Ashley gives Amy a hat, Amy gives Ash a toy car
Derek gets a shirt from Charlie, Charlie gets a dart board
Rose gives Grace a book, and gets candy from her

No placement
Subscription time
04 January 2017
Submission time
04 January 2017
Time taken
60795 seconds (± about 17 hours)
Textual submission

Ashley and Amy exchanged a hat and a mini dartboard.
Derek and Brittany exchanged a T-Shirt and a Toy car.
Charlie and Harry exchanged a CD and a Basketball.
Grace and Rose exchanged a Book and Candy.
Tom and Zack exchanged a DVD and baseball bat.

No placement