Competition: JTF Satele Shan Starfighter Squadron

JTF Satele Shan Starfighter Squadron

As part of our Naval contingent, we have access to a full Squadron of T-70 X-Wings. You may submit two (2) names for consideration by the House Summit along with a short (50 - 100 words) backstory.

The rules are: keep it PG, it cannot be an existing in Squadron in Star Wars canon, and it cannot be copied from another squadron in the Brotherhood.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
JTF Satele Shan Naming
Organized by
Colonel Len Iode
Running time
2016-12-19 until 2017-01-07 (20 days)
Target Unit
House Satele Shan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Textual submission

Aurek's Flares
Named after the Kiast System's bright yellow sun. Their paint scheme is primary yellow with highlights of orange so to make any fire on their ships hard to detect so that their allies dont see their damage and continue to fight. Their paint scheme gives onlookers the impression of solar flares as they dance across the skies and through space. Their kill markers are a simple sun symbol with three rays extending into a triangle to symbolize the three planets in the system.

Ooroo's Corsairs
Named after the celegian Jedi Master Ooroo and in homage to the Ooroo abbey that was decimated in the attack on New Tython. Their color schemes are black with a gray Emblem of house Satele Shan Emblazoned on the side of the ship and a quote in Aurebesh from the battle of Kirrek on the side “Let me Deal with these invaders”. The kill markers on the side of the ship are gray stenciled emblems of various houses and clans they have fought against with notches next to them.

1st place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Textual submission

Onynx Squadron

Cobalt Squadron

No placement