Competition: Forging Knowledge [Night-Thorn Armory Lesson 1]

Forging Knowledge [Night-Thorn Armory Lesson 1]

This is the first in a series of Trivia and Fiction competitions pertaining to the art of forging your weapon. At the end of the series I will be awarding the first place overall finisher with a special prize.

When forging a weapon it is best to know the materials you are using. And while most of the materials you will use in the creation of your weapon are common, there are certain unique parts that have been used in the past. So this first lesson will be your chance to learn about these unique components.

You will be asked a series of questions and you will be timed. First place goes to the one who submits all correct answers in the shortest time.

As this is a part of a series your performance in this lesson will contribute to your overall performance. First Place will receive 5 points, Second Place will receive 3 points, Third Place will receive 1 point, and all others will receive no points.

Competition Information
Organized by
Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson
Running time
2017-01-09 until 2017-02-09 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
25 subscribers, of which 23 have participated.
General Daniel Stephens
Subscription time
10 January 2017
Submission time
10 January 2017
Time taken
764 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Banes Heart
2. Darth Andeddu's
3. Zillo Beasts
4. belt mounted power packs
5. guard shoto handles
6. electrum
7. laser sword
8. Graflex flash

1st place
Zanothi Nightblade
Subscription time
10 January 2017
Submission time
10 January 2017
Time taken
2055 seconds (± 34 minutes)
Zanothi Nightblade opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Subscription time
12 January 2017
Submission time
12 January 2017
Time taken
4343 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart.
2. Darth Andeddu's.
3. Zillo Beasts of Malastare.
4. The power packs mounted on the belt.
5. Guard shoto (Lightsaber tonfa).
6. Electrum.
7. Lazersword / Laser sword.
8. The hilt was a Graflex camera side-attach flash.

3rd place
4th place
Subscription time
13 January 2017
Submission time
13 January 2017
Time taken
517 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Zillo beast
4. The power pack
5. They have a tonfa-shaped handle and a shoto blade
6. Electrum
7. Lazerswords
8. A Micro Precision Products 3-cell microflash

4th place
Abadeer Taasii
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
1227 seconds (± 20 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Bane's Heart
2: Darth Andeddu
3: Zillo Beast
4: Belt-mounted power packs
5: The handle was laced with Phrik, it also had a perpendicular grip that allowed for better blocking maneuvers
6: Electrum
7: lazerswords
8: Graflex camera side-attach flash

5th place
Kromtal Bloodfyre Romanae
Subscription time
09 February 2017
Submission time
09 February 2017
Time taken
367 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Zillo beasts
4. belt mounted power pack
5. they were created much like a billy club or tonfa
6. electrum
7. lazerswords
8. a graflex camera flash attachment

6th place
Rax Von-Klug
Subscription time
09 January 2017
Submission time
09 January 2017
Time taken
1394 seconds (± 23 minutes)
Textual submission

1.) Bane's Heart
2.) Darth Andeddu
3.) Zillo Beast
4.) Belt-mounted Power Pack
5.) Handles laced with Phrik to allow them to block lightsabers
6.) Mandalorian Iron
7.) Lazerswords
8.) Graflex 3 Cell Camera flash tube

No placement
Lord Halcyon
Subscription time
11 January 2017
Submission time
11 January 2017
Time taken
723 seconds (± 12 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. vonduun crab
4. belt-mounted power packs
5. The Tonfa-style
6. Electrum
7. laser swords
8. flash attachment of a Graflex 3 cell flash unit

No placement
Warden Benn Nevis
Subscription time
10 January 2017
Submission time
10 January 2017
Time taken
1874 seconds (± 31 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Zillo Beast
4. A belt-mounted power pack
5. A second handle extending from the main hilt at 90 degrees. Style of saber is called a Guard Shoto.
6. Gold
7. Protosabers
8. A Graflex 3 Cell Camera flash tube.

No placement
Kylex Sanguris
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
152 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

1. bane's heart, a starburst shaped crystal.
3. Obalisk armour used by bane.
4. the capasiter
5. the Tonfa style handgrip and frame.
6. electrum
7.laser swords -_-
8. It was a flash from a camera

No placement
Subscription time
14 January 2017
Submission time
14 January 2017
Time taken
531 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Zillo Beast
4. Belt-mounted power pack
5. tonfa-shaped hilts
6. Electrum
7. "Frozen blasters"
8. flash attachment of a Graflex 3 cell flash unit

No placement
Howlader Taldrya
Subscription time
10 January 2017
Submission time
10 January 2017
Time taken
498 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Bane's Heart
2) Holocron of Heresies
3) Zillo Beasts native to Malastar
4) Belt-mounted power packs
5) It was perpendicularly gripped.
6) gold
7) lazerswords
8) Pants?

No placement
Minister Cor-Hatha Vow
Subscription time
15 January 2017
Submission time
15 January 2017
Time taken
592 seconds (± 10 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu's holocron
3. Orbalisks.
4. Belt mounted power packs.
5. They were guard shotos, had perpendicular grips from the hilt.
6. Phrik.
7. Lazerswords.
8. A piece of an old photography flashgun.

No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
Subscription time
20 January 2017
Submission time
20 January 2017
Time taken
259 seconds (± 4 minutes)
Textual submission

1.) Banes Heart
2.) Darth Andeddu
3.) Vonduun crab
4.) The Powerpack
5.) Their Tonfa Grips
6.) Gold
7.) Protosabers
8.) Graflex 3 cell flash unit

No placement
Zanet Xox
Subscription time
19 January 2017
Submission time
19 January 2017
Time taken
907 seconds (± 15 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane’s Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Fireworm/Lava Dragon
4. Modern belt-mounted power pack
5. Guard shotos
6. Electrum
7. Forcesaber
8. Graflex 3 cell flash unit used by 40s cameras

No placement
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Subscription time
20 January 2017
Submission time
20 January 2017
Time taken
478 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1. bane's heart
2. Darth Andeddu's
3. Orbalisk
4. belt mounted power pack
5. tonfa shaped hilts
6. Vibranium
7, lazerswords
8. A flashlight

No placement
Derek Cinn
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
2075 seconds (± 35 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Bane's Heart
2) Darth Andeddu
3) Vonduun Crab
4) External power pack
5) Guard Shoto
6) Electrum
7) Protosaber
8) The flash attachment of a Graflex 3 cell flash unit. Whatever that is...

No placement
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Subscription time
31 January 2017
Submission time
31 January 2017
Time taken
506 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Banes Heart
2: Darth Andeddu
3: Belt-mounted power packs
4: They were guard shoto or Tonfa style
5: Electrum
6: Lazerswords
7: Graflex camera flash

No placement
Nikora Rhan
Subscription time
02 February 2017
Submission time
02 February 2017
Time taken
575 seconds (± 10 minutes)
Textual submission

1. The Bane's Heart.
2. From the Immortal God King, Darth Andeddu.
3. Vonduun crab armor.
4. An external power pack, normally belt-mounted, and linked to the blade's hilt via a power cable.
5. Tonfas.
6. Electrum.
7. Laserswords.
8. A re-purposed flash tube from an older camera design, with multiple props and remains built on until it resembled the item Lucas needed.

No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
10 January 2017
Submission time
10 January 2017
Time taken
833 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu's holocron
3. Taozin
4. power packs mounted to one's belt
5. they had handles like tontas
6. phrik
7. lazerswords
8. Graflex flash

No placement
Vosiri Lightscrest
Subscription time
16 January 2017
Submission time
16 January 2017
Time taken
887 seconds (± 15 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Zillo Beasts
4. belt-mounted power packs
5. tonfa-shaped hilts
6. beskar
7. lazerswords
8. the flash attachment of a Graflex 3 cell flash unit

No placement
Subscription time
12 January 2017
Submission time
12 January 2017
Time taken
1624 seconds (± 27 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Zillo Beasts
4. modern belt-mounted power packs
5. rare perpendicular-gripped
6. golden electrum metal
7. protosaber
8. flash attachment of a Graflex 3 cell flash unit

No placement
Marcus Kiriyu
Subscription time
08 February 2017
Submission time
08 February 2017
Time taken
486 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bane's Heart
2. Darth Andeddu
3. Vonduun Crab
4. Belt mounted power pack
5. They were guard shoto's, also known as tonfa's. A second handle extended at 90 degrees from the hilt, allowing a perpendicular grip.
6. Electrum
7. Lazerswords
8. A graflex camera flash.

No placement