Hello all, I’m not a very talented human being in terms of art, the one thing I’m good at is SFM (source filmmaker). Essentially, I just pose Models and make scenes and I put them into poster format and I’m done. I want you to do that, if you choose the accept this challenge your goal is to make the most natural looking scene, a single frame that looks like there is movement and you captured a single moment of the movie with the tools (like Lights, Particle effects) provided in SFM which I already sent a download link, you can go extract GMA files if you know how and feel free to learn how. Subscribe, id like to see lots of submissions, feel free to join even if you have no experience im giving you a lot of time to learn how to pose and put int models. You have a month to make the scene and learn whatever you need.
#SFM link and suggestions
The program is free and easy to learn just look up tutorials for posing. You can get it here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/1840/
and you get models from the steam workshop or SFMLab.com :https://sfmlab.com/
No NSFW stuff. Only star wars related art. No crossovers
Doesn't have to be DJB related and you may use already made models unless you have experience in making very high quality models. NO STEALING, you must make it yourself, you can't take someone else’s.
And last but not least, no animations only scenes and poses. Also feel free to use photo editing software like photoshop and gimp to edit the image.
So how do you win? I want the scene that looks the most natural and makes it feel like it's a shot out of a movie. Make it as realistic as possible. Im grading you on how real it looks, quality of camera position and lighting, not how much stuff you can fit on a screen and how many explosion particles you can fit, I want quality not quantity.
1st place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater