Objective: Design a sticker for use on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood’s Telegram platform. The sticker should reference a character, personality, or pop-culture element pertaining to the DJB. For example: You may choose to create a sticker for your original character or an NPC. You may use digital and/or traditional media to create your entry. Stickers can be funny, serious, or flat out ridiculous, but please keep in mind that the DB supports a PG-13 environment so no nudity or obscenities.
How to Submit: Submit through the site. Formats: Preferably, a .PNG with transparent background. However a .JPG file is acceptable. Suggested Programs: GIMP (Free), Photoshop, Pixlr.com (free web-based Photoshop) Grading will be completed using the Herald Graphics Grading Rubric
Entry Requirements:
Design entries must fit into a 512x512 (one of the sides must be 512px and the other 512px or less).
Image file should be in PNG format with a transparent layer (.JPG files are also acceptable)
Sticker designs may be created digitally and/or traditionally (hand drawn and scanned/snapshot from a smartphone or digital camera)
Sticker designs are tied to an emoji. Therefore, you should select an emoji that relates to your design.
Top 3 stickers will be added to an actual sticker pack that members will be able to add to their collection!
1st place
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
2nd place
Qyreia Arronen
3rd place
Alara Deathbane