Competition: Gods of the Brotherhood

Gods of the Brotherhood


“It has been said that anyone who knows the ways of the Force can set her- or himself up as a King on any world where only she or he knows the ways of the Force. Any Jedi could do this. But the Jedi, fools that they are, adhere to a religion in which the Force is used only in the service of others. How shortsighted of them. Is that not why they lost the galaxy to the dark side?”
―Darth Sidious, The Weakness of Inferiors

For aeons the Sith, and those who have followed in their footsteps, have devoted their existence to the accumulation of power and control, a seemingly never ending goal which has wrought conflict across the galaxy for longer than most find fathomable. While some have accepted the conflicts wrought about by the jockeying for power as the entire point of it all, many more see nothing but a system designed to give them an opportunity to take it all for themselves. So what happens when an individual who has devoted their entire life to attaining more and more power reaches a point where there is no more power to be had?


Write a fiction at least 500 words in length - no maximum - that details what your character would do if he became a God in the Dark Brotherhood’s universe.

Grading Criteria:

Grading will be based on the Voice Fiction Rubric.

Competition Information
Organized by
Ossk, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Running time
2017-01-30 until 2017-02-28 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
22 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
1st place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
2nd place
Plaid Sadira
Plaid Sadira
Plaid Sadira opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
3rd place
Silas Manx
Silas Manx
Textual submission

Gods of the Brotherhood

The tiny Aleena stared far out into the bay, setting his gaze on the rock on the horizon. He sighed for a moment before turning his gaze to the tall human next to him, a legendary soldier who had served him well for thirty years.

“Linus, in all these years, as a mercenary, I have strived for power. I have killed countless in pursuit of my dream to stare down at the tall ones who called me ‘The Puntable.’ When I killed Pravus... I always imagined the moment would be a glorious one, the crowning achievement of my life. And for a moment, it was. It was thrilling to see the stubbornness in his eyes fade as he left this world for the next. And then I felt sad.

Pravus was the last one who understood true power. I have been alone since I killed all of my equals. I feel dead on the inside, such as a hunter who has come back from his final hunt, knowing that his purpose in life has ended.”

Pollus took a second, thought for a moment before continuing, “On Aliso so many years ago, I awoke to a new world in a stasis pod. The galaxy was chaotic, a far cry from the organized upheaval I escaped on Coruscant with my brother Castor. It was fun, it was exciting to prove our mettle and worth to the Dread Lord. It was even more thrilling to kill her, thrusting her emerald dagger deep between her shoulder blades, ending the fearsome Demon of Florrum. She was right to distrust mercenaries with borderline paranoia.

I need... no, I crave the hunt. Living out the rest of my days, nothing left to conquer, I simply cannot live that life. All of this is yours Linus. You earned it, fighting at my side through thick and thin, through some of the darkest days of my rise when all seemed lost. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Pollus started walking back to the mountainous fortress that served as the center of his empire with his paladin

“Linus, I need you to do me a favor. In the docking bay, there is an old and battered YT-2400. I need you to rebuild it and equip it with three stasis pods. I’ll be back with the rest of the equipment I need in a week.

The soldier nodded, “Yes milord. It will be done right away. If I may, what are you planning?”

Pollus looked up and responded, “Linus, when I escaped Coruscant 80 years ago, I had no idea of Aliso. I rigged the old junker to set course for a distant system and installed clone war era pods to cut down on the strain of life support on the old bird. It had the slowest hyperspace drive in the entire sector, but it was our ticket out of the clones’ betrayal.

Fate guided me here. Fate protected my brother and I through so many battles. The amount of men that have died in front of me, the thoughts that I was two steps from death, fate kept me safe through my journey. Fate will guide me through my next voyage and condemn those who fail to submit to my will. I crave the hunt Linus.”

3rd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
Textual submission

"Now I am become Tali, the ancient Lekku Goddess of Death, the destroyer of worlds." -Tali Sroka moment before her ascenscion

No placement
Adept Xantros
File submission
No placement
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Derek Cinn
File submission
No placement