Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...
In this competition we're going to write two short scenes. In the first, your protagonist experiences fear of some kind. The second scene happens some time later, when your protagonist lashes out in anger as a direct result of his/her fearful experience.
The purpose of this exercise is to explore how a negative experience can change a character, and inform their behavior later in life. In this saccharine month of Valentines and roses, it seems appropriate to delve into fear as a motivating factor for anger. Write about how the fearful event affects your protagonist, how he/she feels about it. Write about how the fear drives that same character to later lash out in anger - who is the victim of that anger? Why? Is the anger justified or is the victim just a symbol of that fear?
Stories should be within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's universe so you can get Clusters of Ice, but you don't have to use your own character. Feel free to use any DB characters or to make up new ones. Stories are not canon. Grading will focus on how well your story explores fear and anger, and the causal link between the earlier event and the later. We will also use the standard grading rubric to grade on more general writing quality.
Entries should be submitted in any popular word processing format. Please don't submit links to Google Docs. Export your Google Doc to PDF and submit that instead. Entries should be a minimum of 250 words in length (about one page).
1st place
Minister Cor-Hatha Vow