The 'stickman' drawing technique is back in effect. Draw a funny stickman scene with funny captions depicting the following topic: Obi Wan Fights Anakin On Mustafar. Grading will be based 80% on humor, 10% on visual effort/detail (more stick men, more captions, extra decor) and 10% on adherence to the theme.
Each participating member will receive two Clusters of Graphite for their efforts and top three placements will receive 3rd level Crescents.
Submissions must be made through the website in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .gif.
Useful Tools:
GIMP - a freeware used for digital graphics work, similar to Photoshop. Paint.NET - a free alternative to the classic MS Paint with some cool extra features. Paper and Pencil - age old technique of chalk to slate.
1st place
Minister Cor-Hatha Vow
2nd place
Zyron Kael
3rd place
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
4th place
Kromtal Bloodfyre Romanae
5th place
Zel Koo