“Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you.” ~Mike Murdock
The Jedi cautioned against attachments. The Sith spoke of embracing one's passions and emotions. When you have people working in close proximity to one another over long periods of time, it is not unheard of for bonds to form. It has frequently been proven by history that people united form a stronger front than individuals divided.
We tend to draw inspiration, comfort, even strength from those we are close to. Those rare individuals with whom we've forged strong bonds do sometimes become our greatest strengths. They bring out the best in us, push us to achieve that which we could not or would not accomplish on our own.
However, for every point there is a counterpoint. For every strength there is a weakness. If we come to rely on someone too much, what happens when they are no longer there? If someone else knows about the bond between us, it can be turned against us. When someone we care about is in danger it can potentially lead to us becoming more reckless. We could be forced to do things we'd never do otherwise to ensure the safety of that person who means so much to us.
Is there someone in your character's life who is their greatest strength? Or their greatest weakness? How does your character deal with it? Are they willing to hold on to that strength regardless of the risks? Or are they willing to sever that bond, to eliminate that chance of weakness forever?
* Entries must be a minimum of 500 words
* Entries must be no longer than a maximum of 2500 words
* Entries must use a down-loadable format ( .xdoc or .doc)
Grading: Voice Fiction Rubric
1st place
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
2nd place
General Zentru'la
3rd place
Battlelord Qor Kith
4th place
Adept Xantros