Competition: [Excursion] Trivia

[Excursion] Trivia

This is a TIMED event. Subscribing to this event will start the timer.

Answer the following 20 questions about Star Wars Planets and Systems

Grading will be based upon most correct answers, then total time to complete the trivia. Hitting subscribe will show the questions, and start the timer for this event. All participants will get 15 points toward the parent competition, and the two winners will be awarded an additional 15 points.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2017-04-10 until 2017-05-08 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
11 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Subscription time
02 May 2017
Submission time
02 May 2017
Time taken
776 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Textual submission

1) 13
2) Clak'dor VII
3) Fucallpa
4) a B'rknaa
5) Droids and parts
6) Stone monuments
7) Great Library
8) Xamster
9) M-11
10) Inner Rim
11) 26 standard hours
12) cerulean
13) Cristophsis
14) Brak sector
15) sometime after 27,500 BBY
16) Plasma leech
17) Fire Rings of Fornax
18) 7
19) Kamino
20) 391 local days of 28 standard hours

1st place
2nd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
Subscription time
08 May 2017
Submission time
08 May 2017
Time taken
1331 seconds (± 22 minutes)
Textual submission

1. 13
2. Clak'dor VII / Clak'dor
3. Fucallpa
4. B'rknaa
5. Droids / droid parts
6. Stone monuments
7. Great Jedi Library
8. Xamster
9. M-11
10. Inner Rim
11. 26 standar hours
12. Cerulean
13. Carrida
14. Brak Sector
15. 20,000 BBY.
16. Plasma leech.
17. It was well-known as home to the Fire Rings of Fornax
18. 7th
19. Kamino
20. 391 days

2nd place
Sage Enzo Dek
Subscription time
10 April 2017
Submission time
10 April 2017
Time taken
848 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Textual submission

1. 13
2. Clak'dor
3. Fucallpa
4. Alive
5. Droid Parts
6. Stone monuments
7. First Jedi Temple
8. Xamster
9. M-11
10. Inner Rim
11. 26 Hours
12. Cerulean
13. Christophsis (type? Carrion Spike instead?)
14. Brak Sector
15. 27,500 BBY
16. Plasma Leech
17. Fire Rings of Fornax and a daredevil spot for pilots
18. Seventh
19. Kamino
20. 391 Days

No placement
Alara Deathbane
Subscription time
20 April 2017
Submission time
20 April 2017
Time taken
855 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Textual submission

1. 13 planets
2. Clak'dor VII or just Clak'dor
3. Fucallpa
4. It was a giant B'rknaa
5. Droid Parts.
6. Stone monuments that glowed during a time of disaster
7. The first Jedi Temple ever built was here.
8. Xamsters
9. It was in the Corellian Sector (M-11)
10. Manaan was located in the Inner Rim.
11. Elom days were 26 standard hours.
12. Quell's surface was cerulean in color.
13. Lothal
14. Laud was in the Brak Sector.
15. Around 27,500 BBY
16. Plasma leach.
17. As the home to the Fire Rings of Fornax.
18. It was the seventh planet in the Centares system.
19. Kamino
20. A year was 391 local days.

No placement
Braecen Kaeth
Subscription time
28 April 2017
Submission time
28 April 2017
Time taken
922 seconds (± 15 minutes)
Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Subscription time
12 April 2017
Submission time
12 April 2017
Time taken
1758 seconds (± 29 minutes)
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Subscription time
02 May 2017
Submission time
02 May 2017
Time taken
2047 seconds (± 34 minutes)
Textual submission

1. 13 planets
2. Clak'dor
3. Fucallpa
4. A giant B'rknaa
5. Droid Parts
6. Stone Monuments
7. The Great Library
8. Xamsters
9. M-11
10. Inner Rim
11. 26 hours
12. Cerulean
13. Murkhana
14. Brak Sector
15. Sometime after 27,500 BBY
16. Plasma Leech
17. Home to the Fire Rings of Fornax
18. Seventh
19. Kamino
20. 391 days

No placement
Master Mune Cinteroph
Subscription time
04 May 2017
Submission time
04 May 2017
Time taken
1566 seconds (± 26 minutes)
Master Mune Cinteroph opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
James Malum
Subscription time
30 April 2017
Submission time
01 May 2017
Time taken
16592 seconds (± about 5 hours)
Textual submission

1. 13
2. Clak'dor VII
3. Fucallpa
4. It was actually a massive B'rknaa
5. Droid parts
6. Stone monuments
7. The Great Jedi Library
8. Xamster
9. M-11
10. Inner Rim
11. 26 standard hours
12. Dark blue (Cerulean)
13. Don't know.
14. Brak sector
15. About 27,500 BBY
16. Plasma leech
17. It is known as the home of the fire rings of Fornax
18. Seventh planet of Centares system
19. It is in the same system as Kamino
20. A year was 391 local days

No placement
Koryn Palpatine Thraagus
Subscription time
10 April 2017
Submission time
10 April 2017
Time taken
1359 seconds (± 23 minutes)
Textual submission

1. 13
2. Clak'dor VII or simply Clak'dor
3. Fucallpa
4. A giant B'rknaa
5. Droid parts
6. Stone monuments whose patterns warned of an impending ecological disaster
7. The Great Library
8. Xamsters
9. M-11
10. Inner Rim
11. 26 Standard hours
12. Cerulean
13. Carida? (Carrion Strike doesn't exist on Wookieepedia.)
14. Brak Sector
15. Sometime after 27,500 BBY
16. The plasma leech
17. Home to the Fire Rings of Fornax
18. 7th
19. Kamino
20. 391 local days

No placement