Competition: [Excursion] Create a Place

[Excursion] Create a Place

Objective: With the opportunity to settle into a new home looming ahead. You realize you want a certain place more than anything else. You scribble down your demands and race to give it to the summit before they can make a decision on where the clan will settle.

Scoring: Submissions will be graded on detail of the location you are describing, realistic practicality (Space Hooters won’t happen), and ingenuity. This can be mixed media of images, text, etc.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn, General Zentru'la
Running time
2017-04-10 until 2017-05-08 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
9 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
1st place
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth
File submission
Textual submission

The Krakens are a dark, foreboding range of mountains. Deep crevices run throughout the mountains creating a network of channels, walls, and detours. This reduces visibility greatly due to the irregular, jagged cuts into the mountain that appear to have been carved by glacial water. Some of these crags can fit entire starships while others narrow to a man's width before opening to complex and sprawling caverns within the mountain itself.

Three peaks stand above all else and these give the range its namesake - the Krakens. As legend tells it, no man or machine has gone through them without incident. Much like ancient krakens that would fell large ships, these mountains can wear down the strongest man.

1st place
2nd place
Qor Kith
Qor Kith
File submission
2nd place
Alara Deathbane
Textual submission

Honorable members of the Summit;

I am writing this 'practical' letter to inform you of a much yearned for desire among the Clan members we all strive to serve. It is a location that perhaps seems benign and unnecessary, but its true purpose and divine vocation to support and to encourage members to be all they can be. This particular location is that of a training facility in the forest. We do not know what flora may be on our new home planets, but we do know that some form of pillar-like biological towers will be there. I believe students need to be trained within the realms of nature to truly achieve their instinctive traits that combat, knowledge, growth, and attainment truly need. It's great atmosphere, great oxygen, and keeps the kids from running in the halls!

I would also like a large sized castle within the realms of the forest.

Yours ever,

Alara Deathbane


3rd place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

Above Ground
Hangar, Docking Stations, Office Building, defensive emplacements

Below Ground
Level 1: Security Forces
Level 2: Security Forces
Level 3: Barracks
Level 4: Offices and Conference Room
Level 5: Living Quarters
Level 6: Living Quarters
Level 7: Restricted Area

4th place