Competition: Haiku Week 7

Haiku Week 7

Week 7, Ok here things get a lot more challenging. Don't be deterred, give it your best go. Subscribe below for your writing prose.

Requirements for participation:

  • Subscribe to the competition, and submit either a .doc, .docx file, or in the text box.

  • No Google Drive Links Will Be Accepted

  • Follow the prompt. If the three judges agree that this hasn’t been done, you will be disqualified from that week’s challenge.

  • This is a haiku, so you must follow the 5-7-5 syllable count, as well the stanza requirement posted in each week's prompt.

  • Satirical entries will be accepted and graded accordingly. If they fail to properly reflect the spirit of the prompt, it will be reflected in the scoring.

  • Do Not Plagiarize! Plagiarism will be reported to the Justicar.

Have fun and be creative. Show us what that brain of yours can really do.

This weeks Haiku will be graded out of 60 points:

  • Spelling/Grammar: 20%
  • Creativity: 30%
  • Entertainment Value: 20%
  • Originality: 30%


  • 1st: 10 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 2nd: 9 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 3rd: 8 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 4th: 7 points

  • 5th: 6 points

  • 6th: 5 points

  • 7th: 4 points

  • 8th: 3 points

  • 9th: 2 points

  • 10th: 1 point

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Twelve Weeks A Haiku Year 2
Organized by
Master Aiden Lee Deshra, Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, General Stres'tron'garmis
Running time
2017-06-05 until 2017-06-11 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
11 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
1st place
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano
Textual submission

The Shadow Lady,
Joyful Arconan Consul,
Paragon of cheer.

With glitter and smiles,
she reigns over the darkness,
keeping angst at bay.

Weaponized color,
Multichromatic terror,
Blinding to the eye.

1st place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Textual submission

Lady with the gift
to make your nightmares come true:
plus, she's pretty hot.

Master of terrors -
disturbing illusions are
her bread and butter.

But that beauty, though!
Sometimes, it's too much to take -
Ronnie's ogling her.

2nd place
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

Lover of Vorsa,
He set her aside to lead.
Our High Councilor.

Now he must decide:
Stay true to the Jedi way,
Or do what he must?

He pays for his choice
With the blood of his people,
Or with his own soul.

3rd place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Textual submission

Looking down on all
Standing tall with regal poise
She carries herself

Cold, calculating
Killing only when she must
She takes no pleasure

She will never stop
You don't dare stand in her way
Selika will rule

4th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
5th place
Qyreia Arronen
Textual submission

Can see without eyes
Can fight without a weapon
Loves for its own sake

No placement