Competition: Haiku Week 10

Haiku Week 10

Week 10 begins the most difficult leg of this race. Don't be intimidated. You've all done great so far. Subscribe below for your writing prose.

Requirements for participation:

  • Subscribe to the competition, and submit either a .doc, .docx file, or in the text box.

  • No Google Drive Links Will Be Accepted

  • Follow the prompt. If the three judges agree that this hasn’t been done, you will be disqualified from that week’s challenge.

  • This is a haiku, so you must follow the 5-7-5 syllable count, as well the stanza requirement posted in each week's prompt.

  • Satirical entries will be accepted and graded accordingly. If they fail to properly reflect the spirit of the prompt, it will be reflected in the scoring.

  • Do Not Plagiarize! Plagiarism will be reported to the Justicar.

Have fun and be creative. Show us what that brain of yours can really do.

This weeks Haiku will be graded out of 100 points:

  • Spelling/Grammar: 20%
  • Creativity: 30%
  • Entertainment Value: 20%
  • Originality: 30%


  • 1st: 10 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 2nd: 9 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 3rd: 8 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 4th: 7 points

  • 5th: 6 points

  • 6th: 5 points

  • 7th: 4 points

  • 8th: 3 points

  • 9th: 2 points

  • 10th: 1 point

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Twelve Weeks A Haiku Year 2
Organized by
Master Aiden Lee Deshra, Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, General Stres'tron'garmis
Running time
2017-06-26 until 2017-07-02 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
6 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Textual submission

From Aurora Prime,
he endured the very first
Great Jedi War here.

Son of Taldryan,
"Mav" was once retired, but
now he serves Pravus.

He has worked before
as Deputy Grand Master;
second time's a charm?

Or will he see his
grasp upon the Brotherhood
slacken over time?

After all, war once
again looms in front of us:
Shit be gettin' cray!

1st place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Textual submission

Second in command
Of our esteemed Brotherhood
Hand picked for power

Close friend to Pravus
Advisor to the Dark Lord
Together they lead

On the Dark Council
The Grand Master's eyes and ears
All report to him

Apprentice Sith Lord
Powerful beyond reproach
All bow before him

In line for the throne
When the Grand Master is gone
He rules in his stead

2nd place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place