Competition: May the 4th Be With You!: Opening Shop

May the 4th Be With You!: Opening Shop

Your character, for unspecified reasons, has decided to engage in entrepreneurialism and start their own business selling items. In whatever format you deem most appropriate, that I will be able to open and view, provide the following details about this venture.

  1. Name (1 point)
  2. What type of products will you sell, listing what you expect to be the top 3 selling items, with a brief description of what its intended use is, and what price it might sell for (using DJB possessions pricing as a loose reference). (6 points)
  3. Will your store be online only, have a brick and mortar location? Maybe a mix of both? (1 point)
  4. Where will it be located? Just one location. (1 point)
  5. Any specific policies, marketing or customer experiences that will help make the store a success? (1 point)

Scoring will be done giving a base score for completeness based on the point scale above with a maximum of 10 points. Then 50% for creativity and 50% for Star Wars realism on a 1-5 rating with 1 being no attempt to be creative and original or realistic, and a 5 being completely unique and creative and fully immersed in Star Wars.

This competition is intended to celebrate the props and items that show up in the movies, TV shows, games, books and different Star Wars media we see and think a bit about where one might acquire such things.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Celebration: May the 4th Be With You!
Organized by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Running time
2017-05-02 until 2017-05-05 (4 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
32 subscribers, of which 24 have participated.
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
Textual submission

1st place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Textual submission


2nd place
Lucifer Scorpio Romanov
File submission
3rd place
Occultan Iacul
File submission
4th place
5th place
File submission
5th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
Textual submission

Tali's little venture

5th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Textual submission

1. Alluring Aromas
2. A variety of perfumes will be sold that are infused with Zeltron pheromones. They come in a variety of colors, each a different perfume. It is exquisitely packaged for high-end markets, using precise, clean, and pretty packaging. It's intended use is to enhance the wearer's attractiveness to those they like. This works on both men and women but requires some sort of flirtatious action on behalf of the wearer. These perfumes sell for around 100 credits.
3. Online only for discretion.
4. On the holonet, so technically everywhere.
5. If a customer is not pleased, they can ask for their money back, but most if not all customer reviews are great due to the reactions of the wearer themselves to the perfume. In addition, the perfumes work on most humanoid races in the galaxies, making this a wildly popular purchase for hutts and other species that have a hard time attracting a mate. This product would be marketed on holonet dating sites, adult holonet sites, and trashy tabloids that might catch the eye of desperate, significant others trying to spice up their love lives. All the above should make this a rampant success.

No placement
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Textual submission

# Ranarr's Merc Merchandise

Located in a crashed carrier, this shop is the place to be for those out for a kill. Leave your weapons and attitude outside the front door and come in to get geared up.

##### This weeks SALES:
1. Personalised helmet (3000 Credits):
Order a custom made helmet and receive a matching belt *for free*.
2. Throwing weapons (50 - 1500 Credits):
Do you like throwing weapons? They're flying out the door at *-50%*. Only this week.
3. Explosives:
Get a *free* frag grenade with your order of explosives. BOOMTASTIC! (One/Customer, after spending 1500 credits)

No placement
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission

Name (1 point) - Artifacts R Us
Product types - Sith and Jedi Artifacts - Top 3 selling Lightsaber Crystals, Sith Holocron, Jedi Holocron
The store will be online only for easy shopping and shipping. You no longer need to leave your planet to find the best deals.
Product location of Hoth - to prevent people from trying to steal the artifacts. Hidden warehouse.
No return policy on any item, buy as is condition. One holocron of each type per customer. Other artifacts limit 2 per customer.

No placement
Jasper Arlow
Textual submission

1. Shop Name: Arlow’s Ace Augmentations

2. We would primarily sell Cybernetics and various other Bio-upgrades with a focus on military functionality. Installation offered in-house, of course. Custom pieces available upon request.
Top Three Products would be:
A) Battle-ready Cybernetic Limb Replacements: Prices begin at 5,500 credits. Each piece is crafted from the highest quality Titanium ‘bones’ for optimal weight and strength with upgrades available to provide a higher level of battle durability.
B) Optical implants: Prices begin at 6,000 credits. Why carry around a bulky datapad when you can have your daily holovids transmitted directly to you, no screen required? A variety of colors to choose from, this bio-upgrade is perfect for everyone… well, everyone except maybe Miralukans.
C) Cybernetic Memory Chip: Prices begin at 11,300 credits. In this day and age, we’re too busy to waste our time trying to remember every little detail of life. Let the Chip do the work for you! With this minimally invasive Implant Chip, you’ll be able to have near total recall of your day to day activities, without so much as thinking about it! (Disclaimer: We aren’t responsible for possible disruption of natural brain chemistry.)

3. Arlow Augmentations would function only as a brick and mortar (or rather, Durasteel and probably more Durasteel) shop. The nature of the products would require some amount of retrofitting and therefore would be best sold in person.
Corellia’s Coronet City.

4. All sales are final, though custom pieces come with a life-time maintenance warranty. Customer satisfaction is the main goal. We serve everyone, be they a rabble-rousing scoundrel or a high ranking military officer. Marketing would primarily be done via the holonet and through word of mouth. Nothing beats the hype built up by pleased customers.

-Jasper Arlow, #9933

No placement
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Name: Inahj Intergalactic
Products: "All kinds of items to make your life easier!"
Basis: Online only
Location: Corellia
Policies: Home Delivery within a day or your money back!

No placement
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Textual submission

1. Frosty's Ice Cream Truck
2. I will be selling Frosty Treats: Gelato, Soft Ice Cream and Ice Cream Sandwiches
3. My store will be a truck, with a catch jingle
4. My store is mobile so I won't have a specific location
5. Only 2 policies: No Ice cream from Jedi scum and no ice cream for whiny kids

No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Textual submission

**Business name:** "Guns N' Ships"

**Mission Statement:** To outfit denziens of the Galaxy with equal parts "Guns" and "Ships" with a twist. Online orders only, free shipping on all purchases over 2,000 credits on Guns, and 10% discounts for members on any Ship.

The twist is that the style of the Guns and Ships sold is after a rustic, Victorian influence from the holodramas.

The man behind the venture simply calls himself: *LAFAYETTE.*

**Philosophy* Marick isn't a businessman, but knows that the galaxy will always need guns and ships to operate. An investment in "Guns N' Ships"' is a safe, easy venture to get money on the side."

No placement
Maenaki Delavi'in
Textual submission

Seltron Aesthetics

Maenaki Dalevi’in runs a large online store selling makeup, skincare products and accessories for the most seductive of smiles to the blackest of hearts, and everything in between. Everything from exquisite formal jewelry of the Sephi race to the brightly colored and hedonistic tastes of the Zeltrons’ homeworld and their rich culture. The products have vegan and cruelty-free options, hypoallergenic, non-GMO, and the makeup and skincare products contain no filler chemicals.

The first of the top three sellers would be the line of foundation, Rainbow Perfection, which comes in all colors and shades to accommodate the rainbow of species that just want a lightweight, long-wearing, full coverage, moisturizing but matte makeup base. It contains anti-aging properties and microbeads which adjust the pigment to your skin tone.
45 Credits, 75 for vegan and cruelty-free options. Perfect for formal or casual occasions.

The second item is the Royal Hutt Jelly night cream. The only item that does not come with a vegan option, but is said to be worth it for many. Using the trail of the most powerful of current Slug Lords, this moisturizer, applied to any problem areas (scales, cracks, discoloration, wrinkles, scars or even cuts and burns) heals and restores the skin to that youthful glow, overnight!
150 Credits for a 12oz pot.

The third best seller would be the jewelry line, named after Seltron Aesthetics itself! Various earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets in dozens of plasteels, colors and sizes. There are even rings and clasps for lekku, proboscis, tentacles and custom orders for anything else you require!
-Prices range from 50 credits and up.
-Custom orders require an additional 199 credits for material shipping and labor.

Maenaki Dalevi’in, the creator herself, guarantees all products can be shipped and delivered anywhere within Brotherhood Space. All products require a 2-3 weeks shipping period outside Arconan space, but it is our guarantee that everything will be in mint condition. Each product is locally sourced and supports small businesses. 2% of all proceeds are donated to Kowakian Plus Relocation Society, which helps take pets off the hands of busy Brotherhood members and find them new homes.

(All allegations of the pets becoming food for other species has never been proven factual and we do all in our power to keep all creatures safe and happy.)

Sincerely Yours,
Maenaki Dalevi’in

No placement
Sage Enzo Dek
Textual submission

1. Dek's Antiques
2. Old things from the now destroyed Cocytus System will be sold. The top three items will be Judeccan Hard Alcohol (used to serve in diplomatic or festive functions), an Judeccan coin (collector's item from the pre-CSP era that is made with a rare, now destroyed metal), and Dek's DNA strands (the last surviving strands of DNA from someone who was born on Judecca. The alcohol is 1000 credits, the coin is 2000 credits, and the DNA is 10,000 credits.
3. It is through the holonet, and deliveries are done through Dek's personal droids.
4. The "warehouse" of wares is currently on Dek's personal ship, but will be on the new CSP system when they discover it.
5. Cocytus is destroyed. These items cannot be replicated in any way. Thus, they are truly one of a kind. That is their selling point. Someone could buy them for cheap and make a hefty profit in the future with these items.

No placement
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Edgar Drachen
Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Master Windos
File submission
Textual submission

Have attached a doc file.

No placement
Terran Koul
File submission
Textual submission

### Kolot's Karbines

Sorry for the file size. Short of throwing my changes on a webserver, I couldn't find a good way to show off my shop other than through screenshots.

**Kolot's Karbines** is *owned* by Terran, but *run by* his trusty pal and sidekick [Kolot](

Within the zip file you'll find my submission. `KolotsKarbinesStorefront.png` is the initial storefront with details on the types of products sold (in character, as told by the the manager). The subsequent screenshots show off a few of the items, including the proposed uses of the items.

Please let me know if you have any questions or have trouble with the zip file.

No placement
Seer A'lora Kituri
File submission
No placement
Textual submission

1. Uncanny Knicknacks of the Galaxy
2. Selling from Droid parts to human DNA.

Top 3 sellers:
Rebel R2 memory bank
Random Dark Consul finger print(for those hard to reach places)
Slave Girl Clones (make your own!)

3. Store is invite only to keep only the highest VIPs with the most credits
4. The location is a ever moving starship that sets up shop once every 3 months in a new location
5. Policies: 1. The customer is never right
2. All transactions are safe, secure, non refundable, and untraceable
3. Anyone not invited to the store will be shoot as will as the bringer and thrown out of the airlock

No placement
Alara Deathbane
Textual submission

1. Empire's Emporium
2. Empire's Emporium would be the hot shot one stop shop for purchasing minions of all shapes and sizes: pets, beasts, monsters, droids, and minions of all shapes and sizes.
3. Top three selling items: Loth Wolf, R2-D2 unit, Rancor
4. Empire's Emporium would have a large warehouse-like shop (think Ikea), but would also have an online presence.
5. If it bites, zaps, or swallows you when provoked, you or your descendants are buying it.

No placement
Corsair Chrome
Textual submission

1. Chrome's Music Emporium

2. I'd obviously be selling music equipment, such as instruments. Pricing - no clue, y'all don't have music stuff as possessions unfortunately. I'd keep it low end & affordable with a few top quality products.

3. Gotta roll both online and store location.

4. You blew up my planet!! Havn't the slightest idea where CSP is going so wherever that is.

5. I'm already a widely known musician, that should help bring the peeps in. Perhaps have a recording studio in the back too, that'd be good times.

No placement
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement