Which character in Star Wars would your character consider a friend? Who would they look up to or just hang around with? Pick one established character from the Star Wars franchise (canon or legends) and create an image of them enjoying some friendly, relaxing time alongside your own character (or alternative character). They can be training, playing cards, enjoying a meal, chilling next to a bonfire, etc. Anything you can think of.
How to Submit: Through the site. Formats: .png, .jpg., .gif.
How we are Grading: Dark Brotherhood Graphics Grading Rubric v.2.0
Important Additional Information:
You may use and medium you wish, as long as the content is original. Don't forget to link resources if you use references or photomanipulation.
Please remember to link the both characters' wiki/CS (or Wookiee) pages in your submission entry, especially if they are less known ones from Legends sources. Thank you.
Useful tools are:
1st place
Jasper Arlow
2nd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
4th place
Maenaki Delavi'in
5th place
Darth Renatus