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Master Alaris Jinn
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- Marick.jpg
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Aedile Tali Sroka
- File submission
- 4th_of_May_Tweets.docx
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Terran Koul
- File submission
- DCTweets.png
- Textual submission
Let me know if you need these as separate files. Since it was a conversation, one image just seemed easier.
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Master Windos
- File submission
- TwitterEntry.PNG
- Textual submission
Please see the attached image for the full effect...
Grand Master Darth Pravus (@GMOTDJB)
Tweet #1:
Grand Master Report #47: Salary Statistics and Credit Taxes.
Read: http://bit.ly/2pXdxxL
incl pictures from the report (and the bit.ly link really takes you to the report.)
Tweet #2:
Suspected Jedi SYMPATHIZER Morgan Sorenn, who was somehow elected to my Council, is now calling me heavy handed. SAD!
Tweet #3:
Pravus/Kiast story complete fabrication by failing Holonet News. My stance on undesirables is steadfast. Odan-Urr will pay for the blockade!
sigh... undesirables misspelt in the image :(
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Jasper Arlow
- File submission
- lGjkHe.png
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Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
- Textual submission
> @djbmav: ft%7$sE5$
*This tweet was later deleted by @djbmav after allegations of him tweeting his password to the holonet*
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No placement
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Abadeer Taasii
- Textual submission
@maythefistbewithyou says:
A steak pun is a rare medium well done
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No placement
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Seer A'lora Kituri
- Textual submission
Whoever's been tweeting "friendship is magic" from @thedarkcouncil, I've got a fresh fleet in orbit.
Ps. I do consider the "rainbow version" of the DC logo to be an act of war.
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No placement
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Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
- Textual submission
@RE4Lmavvy just picked up my new face scrub - says 100% cleanse LOL! #notmybrotherhood
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No placement
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A deleted dossier
- Textual submission
@Captain_Morgan: Rumours of rum aboard my ship are greatly exaggerated! #It'sAllMine
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No placement
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Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- Submission
- Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Alara Deathbane
- Textual submission
@xeniverse : For the last time, @therealdarthpravus , I had nothing to do with what happened on #Judecca. #aintapotato #wasntme #getyourdarthsright
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No placement
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- Submission
- Silent opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Mako Henymory
- Textual submission
Darth Pravus - @theonlydarkgod
"Purge progress update #2, the Lightie scourge has been burnt away, going to round me up some former Grand Masters. Taldryan has been naughty lately. @jsttheoldman #purge #newtythonash"
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No placement
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Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Textual submission
@YeRouxEnter: Hey guys this is at tea. Voice typing is awesome. Now I can't wheat to all of my friends. Are kona in victor!
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No placement
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Darth Renatus
- Submission
- Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson
- Textual submission
@cnsdefenderentar - Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Naga Sadow Consul
"Ghosts can bite me. #CNS #NewTies"
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No placement
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Lord Halcyon
- Textual submission
@Grumpy_Old_MAA (DP Howlader) tweets...
Hey? This thing on? What're you kids using this for? Back in my day we sent our messages by freighter!
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No placement
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Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- Submission
- Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- Textual submission
Twitter handle for Morgan Sorenn:@CrackMechanic
Tweet: @MarickTyris, I'm here because your people broke something. Now tell them to stop staring!
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No placement
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Warden Benn Nevis
- Submission
- Warden Benn Nevis opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Master Dracaryis
- Textual submission
Pravus: @PlanetGlasser69 Amazing how the haters & losers keep tweeting the name “DuckFace Von Clownstick” like they are so original & like no one else is doing it… #notfunny #nomoreundesireables #iamaclosetlightie
Mav: @IamNOTtheWorst One day, I’ll be the GM. Then everyone will like me, right? #nottheworst #idontglassplanets #ilikebugs
Vyr: @KustomGraphix Stick figures are not art. #learntodraw
Howie: @IAmtheDJB Do you people realize I’m not ACTUALLY a panda? #ilikebeer #doallthethings
James: @Skynet So, I might have forgotten to pay the bill for the site this month. Temporary move to GeoCities.com. #oldschoolweb #iamsuremarkwillbehappy #stillbetterthantheEHsite
Wally: @WordsmithNYC Do I like swords and Shibas? You bet I do. #iammarriedtomydog #ihatesonyproducts #NYCRulez
Jac: @DJBJusticeLeague Were you injured in a CoJ settlement? Call J.C. Cotelin at 877-Credz-Now for your structured settlement. They are your credits, use them when you need them! #getthatmoney #igetapercentage #gottabuyastardestroyer
Farrin: @SchoolhouseRock For Sale: dusty old tomes labeled “Expanded Universe”. Leather-bound and smells of rich mahogany! #canononly #whoarethevong #learningisfun
Evant: @ArxMarketPlace: You want what we’ve got! Sales on Pazaak decks all week. Get “turbo” credit approval! #pazaakjokes #RNGesustakethewheel
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No placement
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Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
- File submission
- Morgan_Tweet.png
- Textual submission
Arcia Cortel, 3463
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No placement
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Tribune Kanal O'neill
- Textual submission
@RegentsRusEvant - #Allyourpossesionsarebelongtome You will get no more possession without lots of cookies! Bribe me now!
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No placement
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Ghost Edgar Drachen
- Textual submission
@COUTurel just dropped my daughter off for her first day at the new Jedi Academy. So proud!
#Spacedad #who'scuttingtheonions
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No placement
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Frosty Romanae Tarentae
- Textual submission
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
You can't be fired if you quit first! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C32R83ZWQAARZax.jpg
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No placement
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Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
- Textual submission
Member: Howlader
Twitter handle: @throughapandaseyes
Tweet: Waiting in the bushes for a wild panda to appear... what was that? Nope just a cred-stick. Oh was THAT a panda? No?Now where did that cred-stick go? #oohshiny #pandahunting
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No placement
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General Daniel Stephens
- Textual submission
Turel Sorenn - @lightsideDad
Darth Pravus - @Inquistorius4lyf
@lightsideDad: Lets play a game of hide and seek @inquisitorius4lyf
#lotusrebellion #rememberNewTython #JediLyf
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No placement
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Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- Textual submission
@RegentTaelyan to the owner of the white YT-1300...you left your lights on.
@XiesandtheBeast @GrayFang why did I recieve a datapad from "Marry" full of spring-loaded glitter?
@GrayFang It was a test, @XiesandtheBeast Given your department, I would think you would know this.
@treelover @CNSadowSonje Do you still support the Grand Master?
@CNSadowSonje @treelover I don't really care for everything he's done, but he's the only one holding back the madness here. Rebelling, not cool...
@treelover @CNSadowSonje Holding back? He glassed a whole planet. He's slaughtering people. He's crazy, and he has to be stopped #RememberNewTython #TailsOut #WhiteLotus
@treelover @CNSadowSonje Even his own people think he's gone too far, why do you think this war is escalating? Look around you. If you only care when he vaporizes your home, you're part of the problem. #StandUp
@CNSadowSonje @treelover Jedi in glass starships shouldn't throw lightning. #OneBrotherhood
@SunshineLady @CNSadowSonje @treelover Boys, I love you both dearly, but if you don't stop blowing up my notifications, I'll go Renegade on both your butts
@treelover @SunshineLady C'MON sista, it's Dragon Age, not Mass Effect. @CNSadowSonje is totes a Fenris rip off
@SunshineLady @treelover Firstly, be nice. Secondly, I know what I'm quoting. And thirdly, Skyrim is better than both anyways. Goodnight.
@CNSadowSonje @SunshineLady @treelover now hold on, I'm not a rip off, it's just the design
@treelover @CNSadowSonje sure, buddy, sure. #I'mnotsayingheis #Buthesois
@SunshineLady @treelover THERE IS NO SUCH THING!
@treelover @SunshineLady tell is to the judge, sweetie #LHoJ #forthepeople #Tailsout #RememberNewTython #WhiteLotus #notalljedi
@CNSadowSonje @treelover oh my god, we get it, hashtags. This is why we're not allied with you!
@SunshineLady @CNSadowSonje oi! What did I say, mister? Nobody picks on my family or my allies #ohana
@treelover @SunshineLady #ohana is right
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No placement
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Sage Enzo Dek
- Textual submission
Just had a very open and successful Iron Legion get together. Professional rebels inspired by Clan Odan-Urr are rebelling. VERY UNFAIR!
The FAKE REBEL MEDIA is out of control. The @Holonet and @RepublicTimes are unreadable! Go read the @DarkVoice.
EmPOOrer Xen is the worst dictator we have ever seen! Literally gonna take your lightsabers away!
The certificate is FAKE! EmPOOrer Xen was definitely born on Yuuzhan'tar! Not on Coruscant!
Raidoner is a such a great guy. Does so much good work for the Iron Legion and the Dark Council.
Vyr Vorsa used a SECRET HOLOGRAPHIC SEVER illegally against the Justicar's wishes! #BurnHerUp! #BurnHerUp! #BurnHerUp!
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No placement
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Corsair Chrome
- Submission
- Corsair Chrome opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Braecen Kaeth
- Submission
- Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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- File submission
- CelebrationTweet_Justinios.png
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No placement
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Lucine Vasano
- File submission
- May4tweet.doc
- Placement
No placement
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Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
- Textual submission
@howiethepanda: "Submission rejected"
- Placement
No placement
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Maenaki Delavi'in
- File submission
- MayTheFourthTwatter.pdf
- Placement
No placement
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Lucifer Scorpio Romanov
- Textual submission
@ranarrthemanjarkul The Royal Bards, I mean Guards are seeing a decrease in members, however, the gaming submissions are on a high-rise, almost as high as certain weed smoking celebrities, as an increase in gamers are coming out of hibernation as spring comes to bloom.
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No placement
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Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement