Welcome, artist.... you have been selected to serve as a personal artist to the Emperor! To honor the Sith Lords that came before him, he is creating a gallery of the finest drawings and depictions of Sith Lords throughout the ages and he wants YOU to create a piece of art for the gallery. The finest pieces may even hang in his personal gallery...
Create a piece of art depicting your favorite Sith Lord. They may be canon or expanded universe (i.e Darth Vader, Darth Krayt, Darth Nihilus) but cannot be a Sith Lord from the Dark Jedi brotherhood. You may use any medium you would like to design the art provided it is not an illegal medium. Submissions are being judged per Dark Jedi Brotherhood Graphics Rubric V 2.0 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FVx3E9-8U9yMGcJ6q8v1J6_0rWcKcvhwnJkb7KSCNF4/edit). (Please submit through .gif, .jpeg, .png, or .pdf)
1st place
2nd place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
3rd place
Balis Umada
4th place
Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa