Competition: Part III: Three's Company

Part III: Three's Company

The Prompt

Write a fictional "scene" that is solely composed of dialogue and transpires between 2-3 characters. These characters can be your Main, Alternative, or NPC characters. These characters could also be another member's Main, Alternative, or NPC characters.

  • The only hard requirement is that they have an approved Character Sheet on file for the purposes of grading.
  • These characters need to be identified (and optionally linked to) at the beginning of the entry or in the submission text.
  • You may ask and are encouraged to talk about your entry with the other character's owner/writer.

The topic for this series will be: "A conflict of interests". What this means is that one character has to want something that another character doesn't. What that exact element is, is up to you as the writer. Keep in mind that in any conversation, someone always wants something, whether it's wanting to share what you feel, or wanting to hear someones opinion on it. This topic is intentionally broad to encourage everything from humor to serious drama.

The Challenge

As a reminder, "dialogue" is defined as a conversation between two or more people. This is different from a "monologue", which is considered to be one person talking alone (the root "mono" often meaning "one, only, single").

  • Entries must be no less than 250 Words, and there is (wince) no word cap.
  • Entries must strictly feature dialogue writing between "2 to 3" characters.
  • No more than three, and no less than two. "2-3" characters is the number of characters that can be included, and the number of characters included shall be "2-3"
  • 4 is right out.

Entries may contain action or description, but are limited to one action per dialogue, such as:

"Shut up," he yelled as he slammed his fist onto the table.
"No, you shut up," she yelled back as she crossed her arms.
"No you!" he huffed as he stormed off to the other side of the cabin.

Entries can continue to contain vocal cues such as “he said, she replied, she inclined, etc.” as well as tones and volumes such as: “her voice rose, his voice cracked, his words were clipped and tight.” Telepathy is allowed, but should be indicated in italics.

There is no unit restriction on your choice of character for the purpose of this competition other than having a character sheet. They can be anything from a member of your unit, a Dark Councilor, or even a rogue, as long as they have an active and approved character sheet that can be referenced for realism.


Grading will be done in accordance with the official Fiction Rubric, with individual feedback provided by the Voice of the Brotherhood as the sole judge.

Entries that fail to meet the guidelines of the challenge will be graded down in accordance to the rubric and may place lower than other entries that adhere to them.

Per the Parent Competition details, all entries are eligible for bonus Clusters of Ice.

Example Entry


Combat Master’s Office

“Look, all I’m saying is that you wouldn’t carry it with you all the time if you didn’t intend to use it,” the Combat Master stated calmly.

“Or maybe that’s just what I want people to think?” Maenaki delicately lifted one of her perfectly groomed eyebrows.

“It’s a lightsaber. Literally one of the most deadly weapons in the galaxy,” Atra continued as he pulled his lightsaber hilt free from his belt, placed it in his open palm and gestured at it with his free hand. “And you wear it like it’s a piece of jewelry?”

“With hips like these, would you not?” the Seltron replied with a faint smirk.

“In the time it would take you to circle around the desk and try to make a pass at me with those aforementioned hips, you would probably end up tripping and falling on your face.”

“Hey, that only happened once on the Citadel and you said you wouldn’t tell anyone about it!”

Atra did not reply, but merely lifted his own eyebrow back at her and waited for her to reconsider his offer.

“I’ll have you know, Atra Ventus,” Maenaki purred, placing both hands on the edges of the Combat Master’s desk and leaning forward so that the tight lines of her dress accented her shapely figure. “If there comes a time when I need to draw my lightsaber and put it to use, the sound of the blade igniting will be the last thing you hear before it punctures through your chest cavity as I smile and watch the light drain from those dark, pretty eyes of yours."

“Well,” Atra said quietly as he clipped his lightsaber back to his belt and sat back in his chair. “That got dark and escalated fairly quickly.”

“It’s why you invite me here when you know I’m not going to step into that dirty rink of yours,” she said with a wink and a purse of her lips.

“...the Combat Training Center is a state of the art facility,” the Combat Master replied evenly, drumming his fingers idly against the edge of his desk. “It is not even a rink, and the matts are padded.”

“My answer remains the same, Atra Ventus."

“You’re not the only one that knows how to reserve their blade for the right time to strike. Be that as it may, martial training is just as much about discipline as it is about function. Would it really hurt you to try and practice your forms with some of the newer Journeyman?”

“While playing with more toys does sound lovely, I have much more important matters to attend to back on Selen. Not all of us get paid to play with sticks all day.”

“We don’t play with our...look, even though Marick rarely whips his lightsaber out— ”

“Phrasing,” Maenaki politely interjected.

“ —even though he does not use his lightsaber much anymore,” Atra repeated himself, “he still keeps up with regular sparring sessions.” Atra glanced over at the Hapan on the other side of the office that had quietly busied himself reviewing reports on a datapad.

“Training is always important,” Marick replied offhandedly as he thumbed through a series of screens. “But you are not going to change her mind.”

“So, your best advice is ‘Do or do not?'” Atra asked dryly.

“No, I do not care either way. You are on your own with this one, Ventus,” Marick replied dismissively as he moved on to another datapad and soundlessly exited the room.

“Fair enough.”

“I’m standing right here, you know...” Maenaki growled, folding her arms across her chest.


Competition Information
Parent Competition
Voice Dialogue Series
Organized by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Running time
2017-05-10 until 2017-05-26 (17 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
18 subscribers, of which 9 have participated.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
2nd place
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
File submission
Textual submission

[Alethia Archenksova](
[Jasper Arlow](

3rd place
4th place
Textual submission


Lucine Vasano
Kelviin the Wookiee

4th place
5th place
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano
File submission
5th place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Qor Kith
File submission
No placement
Grand Inquisitor Tisto Kingang
File submission
No placement
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Laren Uscot -
Teylas Ramar -
TuQ'uan Varick -

Maestro’s Corner, The Sand Pit, Aliso City
35 ABY

“You’re joking, right?” TuQ’uan Varick scoffed, holding a datacard in his hand.

“Not this time,” replied Laren Uscot, sitting across from the Kel Dor.

“Laren, what you’re asking is near impossible!”

“Not *impossible*. Difficult, perhaps, but not impossible.” Laren paused as he took the datacard from TuQ’uan, considering his next words carefully. “Also this isn’t me who’s asking.”

TuQ’uan stared intently at Laren for a moment before responding, “What are you not telling me?”

“It’s not what he isn’t telling you,” Teylas Ramar chimed in as he entered the private room, his signature grin marring his hardened features. “It’s what I have to tell you now.”

“You honour us with your presence, my Lord,” acknowledged Laren.

“Almost civilized, mercenary,” Teylas began sarcastically as he turned to look upon TuQ’uan. “And who do we have here?”

“He’s a trusted servant and an ally of our interests, honoured Praetor,” responded Uscot.

“Let him speak for himself, Laren. I’ll ask again: who are you?”

“TuQ’uan Varick, an associate of Laren’s. I’m an information broker with, if I dare say, a substantial reach. What skills I have are at your disposal.”

“You are as Laren says, then. Good. Have you seen the plan?”

TuQ’uan shifted in his seat nervously. “I have.”

“Laren wouldn’t have you here if you weren’t of some use. What do you think?”

TuQ’uan gazed upon the datacard with a distinct intensity, but said nothing.

“Did you not understand my question?” Teylas growled.

“Frankly, I think it’s - it’s a bit out of reach,” TuQ’uan confessed diplomatically.

“I’ve done things that many had considered near-impossible, including you,” Laren cut in. “But I won’t deny, breaking into the Shadow Academy is not exactly a normal request.”

Teylas smiled. “I’m glad you agree! It was absolute madness. That’s why the plan’s off.” He took their datacard and tossed it behind them.

“So that begs the question -”

“What are we doing still here?’ ” Teylas interrupted. “I’m glad you asked.” He produced a new datapad from his robes and handed it first to Laren. “This.”

Laren and TuQ’uan each took turns regarding the contents of the datacard.

“What in the hell is this?” Laren finally whispered.

“The plan before was delusional. This is -”

“Genius?” Teylas interjected, cutting off Varick mid-sentence.


“Besides, I don’t know if we’re - if I’m up for this. I can’t be a damn Praetor. I’ve already been excused from my duties as Quaestor, and rightly so.”

“You were a Quaestor?” TuQ’uan snorted.


“Will you do it, mercenary?” Teylas inquired, steering the conversation back to their business at hand.

“You ask much in such a short time,” Laren deflected.

“Time doesn’t wait for us to act.”

“What you’re asking -”

“There is no *time* for this!” Teylas snapped. “We are in the perfect position to mutually benefit from this exchange.”

“If I’m not mistaken, this would make you second-in-command of the - the Shadow Academy,” TuQ’uan stated, the institution’s name still foreign on his lips.

“And a puppet,” Laren said, locking eyes with Teylas.

“I mean no disrespect, but - well, what’s in this deal for me?” the Kel Dor queried, shifting his guarded gaze toward the Sith Warlord across from him.

“My respect,” Teylas replied simply.

“Believe me, TuQ’, his respect can open doors you can’t even imagine,” Laren added reluctantly.

“And it will continue to take you far as well, Laren.”. Teylas continued to press the matter, saying, “Praetor to the Headmaster is mere micrometers from the larger beast that is the Dark Council. Think: you will be the right hand of the Headmaster, enacting his will. You will have access to information most can only dream of. And together, the knowledge and secrets of this Brotherhood will be at our disposal.”

“At *your* disposal.” Laren’s tone was quiet, yet equally defiant.

“And what’s so different here then when I first contacted you?”


“Not to mention this now puts me in a bit of a pinch,” TuQ’uan added meekly.

Teylas shrugged, ignoring the Varick. “Our arrangement remains the same. You’re my left hand, accomplishing what tasks that I require. In return,” Teylas paused, chuckling, “I assert my influence to grant you status.”

“I didn’t ask for this,” Laren breathed.

“So ultimately… I now work for you?” TuQ’uan asked, looking helplessly between the mercenary and the Sith.

“Not quite.” Teylas paused for a moment before continuing, “Let me make it clear. I own you. Both of you.”

“That’s all well and good. But clarify a few things for me. The plan is to give the Shadow Academy a holocron - my job.” TuQ’uan pointed to himself confidently. “On behalf of Laren. He gets a new gig, and you gain a new ally among the upper echelons. Where does this leave me?”

“A servant of a Praetor is held in high respect, perhaps,” said Laren.

“Perhaps? What exactly does ‘perhaps’ mean?”

“It has its perks,” the mercenary quipped, giving TuQ’uan a knowing look.

The Kel Dor’s expression brightened in understanding. “How much?”

“Enough that worrying about credits will be a thing of the past,” Teylas assured him.

“I see…”

“This still doesn’t change the fact that this plan is absolutely bonkers,” Laren stressed.

“I will say this once, and only once,” intoned Teylas.“Your value as an asset lies beyond your tradecraft. I have seen men like you time and time again over my long life.”

“And what of it?”

“Do you take me for an imbecile?” Teylas snarled. “You play the fool, Laren. But behind that mask there exists something *more*. Do you really think I didn’t notice you and Kul’tak scheming behind Selika’s back? I was impressed, truly. If not for your timely demotion, it is likely I would not have taken notice of your ambitions.”

“You were watching me?”

“Don’t think so highly of yourself that my eyes linger on the few. In the quest for power, one must see all, know all. Only when you understand your enemy can you strike and make them truly understand your power.”

Silence fell across the room for a moment before Laren laughed. “I should have known better, Ramar.”


“So where does this leave us?” TuQ’uan asked.

“With a day. One day to consider this plan. You assume that you have a choice in the matter. Put that to rest, now. The fate of everything rests on your impending success.”

“What fate?”

Teylas’ lips curled into a menacing smile. “The only fate that matters, Laren. The fate of the Brotherhood.”

No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
File submission
Textual submission

[Kelly Mendes,]( [Minevra Niache]( and [Edema R'uh Kalinor.](

No placement