1.Name the founder of Clan Naga Sadow
Astronicus Dlarit
How many Dark Sides sites are written about as existing in our system in the Clan Wiki pages and where are they located?
7, Temples of the Void, Dominion, Stone, Fire, Steel, Sorrow, Blood and Shadow.
How many light Side sites are written about in our system in the Clan wiki pages and what are their name(s)?
Who is the longest-serving Consul in Clan history in a single term?
Locke Sonjie
Who is the Clan’s only resident Grandmaster?
Muz Ashen
What orbital body in the Orian System was originally thought to be a star?
What is the modern capital city of Tarthos after 35 aby?
Kar Alabrek
What rumor surrounds the long life-span of Orian Major?
Its fusion reactions may have been altered by an acient Sith ritual by Sith Lord Urias Orian.
On what Clan Naga Sadow planet was a new source of Kyber Crystals recently discovered?
Name the Sith Lord who is associated with the Clan’s star system, and the planet where he created Seven Temples.
Sith Lord Urias Orian, Sepros