Competition: Its all a propaganda game

Its all a propaganda game

When the Death Star was destroyed the Empire kept up with propaganda against the Rebellion destroying something relatively harmless. Imagine youre part of the machine spewing out propaganda for the use of the Death Star (either one). What would your excuse or excuses be?

Will be judged on the most unique and believable lines. Give me your ten or less best lines.

Competition Information
Organized by
General Daniel Stephens
Running time
2017-07-09 until 2017-07-29 (21 days)
Target Unit
House Hoth
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
9 subscribers, of which 8 have participated.
1st place
Essik Lyccane
Essik Lyccane
Textual submission

Death Star I quotes -

"Tarkin avenged! Vader annihilates Rebel stronghold of Yavin IV in retaliation for Death Star fluke!"

"Rebel fabrications! Rebellion attempts to pass off freak hyperspace accident as a result of their military might!"

"A costly gambit - Death Star prototype sacrificed to reveal Rebel headquarters, now work begins on the true weapon!"

"Rebel spy network annihilated! Thousands of the Rebellions best saboteurs killed in Death Star trap, crippling the Rebellion's underhanded war!"

Death Star II quotes -

"BETRAYAL! The Rebellion murders our Emperor during peace talks over Endor, costing them their fleet!"

"Lord Vader sacrifices himself in a bold effort to annihilate the Rebellion's fleet!"

"A Pyrrhic victory - Rebellion loses two-thirds of its fleet in Battle over Endor!"

1st place
Casey Denimore
Textual submission

The DS-1 Orbital Station was a prototype star ship for emergencies that required a planet to be evacuated, it was equipped with minimal defenses in case of raider or other criminal attacks nothing more

The DS-1 Orbital Station was a attempt at stabilizing suns that reached critical mass to stop super novas from killing billions

The DS-1 Orbital Station is a first attempt at a fully self sustained artificial planet created to give those who lost there worlds because of the rebellion a chance to restart a new life

2nd place
3rd place
Edgar Drachen
Edgar Drachen
Textual submission

The New Imperial Mobile Command Station was designed to bring peace and order to the most troubled parts of the empire. It's capabilities ensured total removal of all rebel and criminal elements in a system. This is the reason it has been dubbed the Imperial's Total Peace and Stability platform. Or TPS Station for short.

(office space reference) :)

3rd place
Narman Losa
Textual submission

"Do not be afraid: The Freedom Sphere will bring peace to your planet!"

"The best tool to discourage rebel traitors is intimidation! We will never need to fire the weapon!"

"Your Emperor will not give up on the Freedom Sphere so easily, do not worry! He will build a bigger and better one, to better police the galaxy!"

No placement
Primarch Yuki Suoh
Textual submission

First Death Star:

Keeping you safe. One planet at a time.
When the Rebellion calls, we answer.

Second Death Star:

New and improved! (Now with exhaust port shielding!)

No placement
Textual submission

THEY destroyed YOUR security.
It was meant to keep the peace, not create war.
You're looking for peace in Al-der-aan places. (All the wrong)
Don't let this happen to YOUR planet.
Support your protectors, don't let trouble makers get away with this!

No placement
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Textual submission

1. Lives. Jobs. Salvation. Destroyed.
2. If they could destroy the most advanced battle station in the Galaxy, what can they do to your world?
3. Fight for the Republic!
4. Enlist in the Galactic Military today to ensure your children have a future.
5. Their spies could be your neighbors.
6. Remember DS-1. Enlist today!
7. Help protect your children... Buy War Bonds Today! lol
8. Kick the Rebel scum in their cowardly bum!
9. Take aim at the Rebels, join the Trooper Corps!
10. Enlist in the Trooper Corps! We'll teach you how to shoot!

No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

"We can rebuild it. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better, bigger, less prone to lucky farmboys."

No placement