Competition: Art of Propaganda

Art of Propaganda

Every single unit of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood is preparing for the upcoming Great Jedi War. Rumours about it are spreading all over the Clans. Even though it has not yet started, Clans are already fighting each other, not on a battlefield, but in the Holonet and through other communication means. They send propaganda messages that are aimed to undermine morale of their possible enemies and to boost morale of their own followers.

Write a minimum 500 words long story describing either what message your Clan sent to others or what message your Clan received (possibly both, if you prefer so). In both cases, include reactions of your character to it. If you wish to use characters of other DJB members, be sure to get their permission first. Entries will be judged in accordance to the Fiction Rubric 2.0.

Competition Information
Organized by
Adept Xantros
Running time
2017-07-15 until 2017-07-30 (16 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
6 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
Maximus Alvinius
Textual submission

Outer rims space sector
2122 GMT

Maximus Alvinius was sitting at the Cantina onboard a Space station enjoying some drink and small talk before heading back to his Clan headquarters. He had just spent the weekend scouting some intel reports of Sith trying to infiltrate the local networks within his Sector. Scanning the room he saw all sorts of individuals in the Cantina. Thugs, Mercenaries, Dancers, and other goons alike. This was his sort of place. An atmosphere that no matter your ties and loyalties any individual could come here to enjoy some time of from the binds that affect the conflicts of the Galaxy. No one knew he was a Jedi and he liked it that way.

:::Beep, beep, beep::: Sounded most of the individuals in the Cantinas data pads.

The Thug who was sitting next two him had just recently stubbled off to find the bathroom and left his data pad at the bar table. Looking down at his data pad not to attract attention to himself he read the following message.

“Clansmen of Odan Urr. We have had recent infiltrations of Sith into our ranks and believe Maximus Alvinius has been sending information to the Sith in return for credits. His apprehension is vital to the success of our mission for further peace in the Sector. We need him taken alive at all costs. This message has been dispatched to all local bounties in the areas to include his picture due to the urgent nature of his capture. His last known whereabouts are tracked to a Spacestation in the Outer Rim coordinates 884.227.373. If contact in regards to his capture please report it to the Jedi high council at once. Message over.”

As Maximus raised his head to look around the Cantina he noticed everyone was staring at him. He immediately knew he was in trouble. Within sectors three armed thugs ran his way. Without hesitation he ignited his lightsaber to which they began to fire. Deflecting the laser fire he was able to hit each target and downing them in their places. From behind he felt an arm grab him. He swung around to his target and quickly jammed his lightsaber into his targets chest. Turning around quickly with his back to the wall he watched as around 5 more thugs stopped and starred at him analyzing their next move.

Maximus Alvinius’s yelled out “We can do this all day. I will take each one of your lives if the credits are worth it, or you can let me out of this place. I have all the time in the world and I’m sure many of you could wait to fight this fight another day.” The Jedi yelled.

The thugs looked at each other and nodded in agreement to not chance their lives in a fight with a Jedi of his combat abilties.

Maximus Alvin's calmly exited the Cantina and made his way to his ship taking the a downed thugs data pad with him. Once in his ship he attempted to track the message. Through some clever work with his droid he was able to trace the origin of it from Clan Naga Sadow.

What was this propaganda he thought to himself. Why had this Clan attempted to cause a rift with Odan Urr and single out himself in the process. Maximus immediately sent a transmission to his Clan stating what had happened and what he had found. He made way back towards his Clan headquarters not knowing if he was going to walk into an ambush by Clan Naga Sadow agents, or if his Clan had any information on the cause of this message. He was angry at the circumstances, but tried to control his anger through meditation on the way to his Clan with the information he had found.

1st place