Competition: A Guardsman's Symbol

A Guardsman's Symbol

During their time on Kiast, the Odanite Expeditionary Force have trained alongside the Vatali Royal Guard, making notes of their rigid command structure and battle formations.

Objective: Draw a logo representative of the Vatali Royal Guardsmen for use in the Wiki Revision Project. Logos can be black-and-white or coloured.

How to Submit: Submissions must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .gif.

How we are Grading: The official Herald Graphics Grading Rubric will be used in this competition.

Important Additional Information: This competition grants Clusters of Graphite per the guidelines on the wiki page. Additional entries may be used for other articles and/or Vatali organizations.

Useful Tools:

GIMP - a freeware used for digital graphics work, similar to Photoshop.

Paper and Pencil - age old technique of chalk to slate.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Wiki Revision Project
Organized by
Seer A'lora Kituri
Running time
2017-07-27 until 2017-08-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Third Level Crescents and 2 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
7 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
File submission
Textual submission

Colours of 1st Regiment, Vatali Royal Guard Division

A white banner; from the corners four wedges, teal and blue, with the Aurebesh cyphers and diadem, in gold, of Empress Kaltani Anasaye. In the centre, the "Steel Star" (a mullet of four points, silver) crowned with the Imperial diadem in gold. Over the four-pointed mullet, an electropole-head, gold, tied with a cloth tassel of blue and teal.

The central charge of this banner, the electropole-head tied with the blue and teal cloth, recalls a popular legend of the Royal Guard. This legend recounts how, during Vatal's War for Independence, soldiers loyal to the King tied coloured rags to their electropoles and staves to distinguish themselves in battle from those who had chosen to fight for the Sephi dominion. The Steel Star emblem also emphasises the Guard Division's ties to the Voraskel Palace and, therefore, the Vatali Dynasty.

GIMP 2.8.16

1st place
2nd place
File submission
Textual submission

Original artwork: [-link-](

2nd place
3rd place
Narman Losa
Narman Losa
File submission
Textual submission

Based off the interlocking pieces of armor. The three pieces here connect with a clasp in the back that also clips the symbol to a Guardsman's chest.

3rd place