Although few of the guild’s top officials are forthcoming with the guild’s sensitive data, prodding from the Sentinel Network has unveiled classified intel on the range of Vatali ships that were destined for Kiast: new, top-of-the-line models of starfighters able to navigate asteroid fields with relative ease.
Objective: Using whichever medium you prefer, sketch a design of one of these new space-worthy vessels. Images can be black-and-white or coloured.
How to Submit: Submissions must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .gif.
How we are Grading: The official Herald Graphics Grading Rubric will be used in this competition.
Important Additional Information: This competition grants Clusters of Graphite per the guidelines on the wiki page.
Useful Tools:
GIMP - a freeware used for digital graphics work, similar to Photoshop.
Paper and Pencil - age old technique of chalk to slate.
1st place
Jafits Skrumm
2nd place
Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
3rd place
4th place
Boss Ragnar Kul
5th place
Corsair Chrome